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Anna's POV

In the short time I have known Harry, I have come to realize how different he is. Maybe it's the way his eyes watch my every move when I'm doing the simplest of things, or it could be how gentle and caring he is. He has taken me on adventures and showed me a world I was once afraid of for so many years. There is a strange feeling that seems to ignite inside me when he's near, something I haven't felt in so many years.

I turn away from my bedroom window, no longer watching the rain pour down. I want to go downstairs and be with Harry, but it's after midnight and I know he must be tired. I watched him work at the cemetery, shoveling piles of dirt, tossing large branches into a shredder, and cleaning off the stones all day long. I want to see him, I really do.

Against my best efforts, I decide I will head downstairs and just see what he is up to. I grab my thin tea gown and start down the creaky steps, hoping not to make too much noise just in case he is asleep. Once I have successfully stepped foot on the main level of the house, I start towards his room, tip toeing my way there. I feel rather creepy just sneaking into his room in the dead of night, but even a dead girl needs a little adventure (okay, maybe going downstairs isn't the biggest adventure.) I grab a hold of his door knob and push it forward, revealing his dark room and the sound of light snoring. The voice in the back of my mind is telling me to head back upstairs and act as if I've never been here, but there is a part of me that wants to stay.

I push the door the rest of the way open and slowly maneuver my way through his room. I decide to take a seat on his bay window, since the ledge is large enough for me to sit on. I listen to his soft snoring and watch as he tosses and mumbles random words I can't quite make out. I giggle when I hear my name leave his lips, I can only wonder what he is dreaming of. I find myself taking small steps towards his bed, hoping not to wake him. I walk around his bed and end up on the empty side of his mattress. I pull back the covers and crawl in, nuzzling close to his body. I find myself drifting off into a deep sleep, as the rain continues to pour down.

I'm awaken to a loud shriek. My eyes pop open and find themselves staring into a confused pair of green ones. Harry has his hand covering his heart and a shocked expression playing on his features. I start to regret staying the night in his bed, but it was quite nice having someone there.

"Oh my gosh, Harry. I'm so sorry I scared you." I try and apologize, feeling bad for frightening him.

He begins to shake his head before saying,

"It's okay, you just really surprised me. I wasn't expecting you to be in my bed." He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. I feel kind of bad for just inviting myself into his bedroom, but I just couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to be near him.

"I can make it up to you. You stay right here and I'll head into the kitchen and fix us a big breakfast!" I'm hoping he won't be mad at me and will just forget about this whole thing, I would feel a lot better if he did.

"It's fine, you don't have to fix breakfast again and if you think I'm upset, I'm really not. I was just surprised," he tries to sooth my wandering thoughts. I know Harry wouldn't be mad at me forever, but I still don't like upsetting him.

"Are you sure you're not mad? And I honestly don't mind fixing you food. I actually really like cooking, I may not be the best at it, but I do still enjoy trying." I send him a small smile and look down in slight embarrassment.

"Well, if you're going to cook then I want to help." Harry flops his long legs over the side of the bed, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the kitchen before I can even get in one word. I laugh as he pulls me along and turns me around, grabbing at my waist before throwing me over his shoulder. I laugh and beg him to put me down, but he just treks on, giggling at my squirming state.

"Harry, please put me down." I continue to beg, all while laughing as he lightly pats my bum. What this boy thinks he is doing is beyond me, all I know is that there is some part of me that likes how he treats me, even if it is a bit childish.

"Oh, Anna, Anna banana," he starts to sing, while sitting me down on a stool and opening up the fridge. I continue to giggle and try to cover my mouth to compress the laughter, but I fail as even more odd sounds escape my lips.

"What'll it be, my lady?" He speaks in a proper British tone. I giggle even more before saying,

"May I have some tea and crumpets?" I shift my voice to sound like a true European, while lightly batting my eyelashes at him. He struggles to keep a straight face as I can tell he is making fun of me.

"We are all out, but can I offer you an accent class?" I can tell my face has turned a shade of red, but I give it no thought and continue speaking in a very bad British voice.

"Only if you'll be my teacher." I say, getting up from my stool and helping Harry fix breakfast. It's odd how we can hangout as if we are a normal couple, I'm not even really sure if we are even considered an official couple or not.

"Start up the burner and I'll go fetch the eggs." He struts off towards the fridge. I turn the burner on and wait for it to heat up. Harry comes back with the eggs and starts to crack them over the skillet. I watch as his large hands grasp the shells and continues to crack them one by one.

After fixing breakfast we sit at the kitchen table and eat while discussing what our plans are for the day. Harry suggest we go thrift shopping, he was mumbling something about trying to find a black and white floral suit he had been dying to buy. After asking him what for, he kiddingly said he might need it for an award show he could attend one day.

"And what award would you be receiving? The worlds best man bun?" I jokingly say, appreciating the way he styles his oddly long hair.

"Well, of course!" He dramatically flips a few ringlets of loose curls behind his shoulder and smiles widely. I burst into laughter at how gay he just looked.

"Well, I think we should go back to that place behind the cemetery." I had really enjoyed going there. I just hope it continues to rain so I can spend more time with Harry.

"I think that's a great idea." We clean up the kitchen and Harry gets dressed before we both slip out the back door, hoping no one spots the lanky, curly-haired boy running into the woods with the towns ghost.

| Authors Note |

I tried really hard on this, so I hope you enjoyed it! I'm really sorry for taking so long to update, but at least it's longer then usual lol


Dedicated to: @harrysbabesings

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