Chapter 13

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Jeremy turned around, his eyes wide open in shock. I could tell that he was somewhat drunk. But that still didn't pass off as an excuse to be kissing another girl.

"Dawn! This is so not what it looks like! I swear on my life!" Jeremy exclaimed.

I teared up. "Oh really? Sure. I'm not going to believe you. You're an asshole Jeremy, you know that? I figured that out from day one. I should have known it was going to end up like this. Fuck the engagement. Fuck the wedding. Fuck the family fortune. I don't care. I never cared about the money anyways. Fuck you. I'm done."

Everyone in the house grew silent as they tried to figure out what was going on.

"We're over Jeremy. I don't care what our parents say. I don't care what the contract says. We. Are. Done," I said, venom dripping from every syllable that I spoke. "You can resume kissing that whore of yours."

"Dawn! Wait! You seriously don't understand! This slut right here came up on me!" he exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "Right. Like that excuse hasn't been used before."

I turned around and walked out of the house and towards the direction of my car. I took the keys from the dash board and put them into the ignition. I began to drive off to where my parents and Jeremy's parents were. They needed to know that I wasn't going to be a part of this arranged marriage anymore. 

It took me a good thirty minutes to get to wherever they were.

I stormed into the restaurant and glared around for their table. Once I found it, I stomped over to them and stood there, irritated.

"Dawn!" my mother exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" my dad asked.

"I'm done," I simply said.

"Done with what?" my mom asked.

All four adults looked at me curiously, wondering what I was talking about.

"With the arranged marriage of course. I never agreed to it for starters. Secondly, all you care about is the money. That's why you put Jeremy and I together. That's twisted and cruel. I could have fallen in love on my own and have been happy," I snarled.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," my dad said. "There's no getting out of this. The marriage is going to happen."

"You know dad, I'm sick of all of you. You and mom. If you two really did love me, you wouldn't have arranged my marriage for me. You would have let me choose someone who makes me happy," I growled.

"You and Jeremy appeared to be so happy with each other before," Linda remarked.

I scoffed. "That's right. Before. It's all different now and I'm done. Fuck it. I don't care what you all say. I'm buying my own place and sending all my stuff there. I'm going to buy a ticket to wherever it is that I'll be moving to. Probably back to California."

Everyone in the restaurant were staring at me. I didn't really care. I was going to rant and curse all I wanted. I didn't care what people thought about me. I was just extremely angered. To think that Jeremy actually loved me. To think that I had actually fallen for him.

I was going to leave before things could get worse. I was going to get away from it all.

"Mom, dad, if you really did love me, you'd let me out of this. I guess you don't. Whatever. You are no longer my parents. I don't care," I said. I wasn't going to consider them as my parents any longer.

All they cared about was their money. They didn't care about their only daughter's happiness. Therefore, I wasn't going to care about them either.

I stormed out of the restaurant and drove back home. When I returned inside, the party was still going on. All eyes were on me as I walked back inside. They watched as I stormed up the stair case and into my room.

Jeremy's P.O.V

I watched as Dawn made her way up stairs. The girl who had kissed me tried to get my attention. That's exactly what I was going to give her.

"You are a dirty slut!" I yelled. She stared at me in shock. I smirked and continued. "You made me lose the love of my fucking life! Because of you she isn't going to be mine again. If you hadn't kissed me, none of this would have happened. Get out of my fucking house."

She looked at me and whimpered. "But Jere---"

I cut her off. "Get out. Now. I'm not afraid to hit a girl."

She ran out of the double doors crying. People were laughing. I wore a triumphant look on my face. It was soon gone when I went back to thinking about Dawn.

How was I going to get her back? She was never going to talk to me again.

Dawn's P.O.V

I sat at my desk and I was browsing on the internet for houses in San Diego, California. I finally found one. It was gorgeous.

It was pretty modern. I liked it. I made an offer and closed the internet. It would be a while before I would know if I got it or not.

I was just happy that I'd be able to leave soon. If I didn't get the house, I could move in with a friend if it was alright with them.

Fuck Maine. I wasn't coming back to this hell hole.

I heard a knock on my door and I ignored it. I knew that it was probably Jeremy.

"Dawn?" came the sound of his voice. "Dawn, let me in. You don't understand. She was the one who kissed me. You can ask anyone else who was standing there. I just sent her home too. Please Dawn. Listen to me."

"You're way too late Jeremy. I already told our parents that I want out. I already purchased a house in San Diego. I'll be gone before you realize it," I hissed.

Jeremy's P.O.V

So Dawn bought a house. She was serious about leaving, wasn't she? She honestly didn't want anything to do with me anymore. If only I was paying attention and I didn't over-drink, I wouldn't be losing her.

I fucked up big time.

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