Chapter 6 - Revealed Truths

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A/N - Thanks again everyone for all the support and such. The next chapter will be dedicated to angel5432543 because she gave me quite the brilly idea with her comment. and it will be used in the next part. Email me if you wanna be/ help make a character in this book. Thanks

-Cassidy :D

Michael's POV


It was monday and for a very know reason i woke up extremely happy but also a little nervous. Gavin was mine. All mine. it just made me tingly all throughout, to think about. But i was still nervous because i might have to see her. Lindsay, and to be completely truthful i was still fuming with rage at her but i also wanted to thank her for if she never had cheated on me i wouldn't have found out about my feelings towards him. Gavin, how i love him but i am doubtful of saying it out loud. what if he thinks i am acting to clingy or he doesn't want me to say that.

after realizing i was in deep thought i started to get ready before i got an idea, grabbing my phone i proceeded to text Gavin.

-Morning babe, wondering if you maybe wanted a ride from me? ;-)-

(A/N Get it? 'ride' hehe)

i started to get ready by taking a shower and sending the text. once i was done in the shower i checked my phone to see that Gavin had replied.

-Sure, but i think it might be to early for that. Oh and if you don't mind could you drive me to work today?-

At first i was quite confused until i blushed and my eyes widened after i saw the hidden meaning in my text. giggling like a little girl i texted him back with a comfy smile.

-Gavin, you naughty boy. Although, i agree, much too early, i'll redeem it in the near future. Also, I'm coming to get you be ready in 30-

Finishing up my task of getting dressed i heard a little ping from my phone and laughed at the text he sent back to me. A very clever one he is.

-Why, Michael, i wasn't the one who asked now was i? and Describe 'Near Future' I'm not sure i can wait. ;-)-

i decided just to text a simple talk to me about it when i come get you and started to drive over to the Ramsey household. While driving i got a few texts from Ray but decided not to answer while i was driving. I pulled up into the driveway to knock on the door. After standing there for around 10 seconds Geoff opened the door. he pulled me into a hug and gave me a huge grin. i was very confused while he asked me to sit down and as he sat down next to me. that is until he whispered something in my ear that made me feel a little nervous. he had whispered...

"I know about you and Gav, he couldn't stop blabbering on about you" My only response was a subtle.


"I just have two orders for you Michael, one if you break his heart expect me to come at you like thousand pound weight alright? and two can you please just do it already! he has extremely loud and detailed dreams" When he finished i burst out laughing holding my sides from the exertion.

"Order one should not be a problem, i-i-i well, i think i am in love with him and about order two, i am in fact the one holding back because, evidently, I'm nervous as fuck when I'm i think about doing 'that' because, although it may be a surprise, i am guilty of still holding my

V-Card" i sort of mumble admit while my face reddens considerably.

"i see" Geoff says while stroking his chin. "i have a new order"

"and that is?" i say imagining we are going out to fight in a mighty war

"he is staying at your apartment over the weekends, so that i can get some sleep"

"okay, will do" and just as i say this the man himself walks into the room and gives me a kiss on the cheek and i feel exhilarated.

"Erm, i kinda told Geoff" Gavin explains as worry crosses over his facial features.

"i know, we had a little talk, its ok, i understand, he is like your second dad" as i say this his whole demeanour lights up and he visibly relaxes.

"Right, we should get going then, yes?"

we walk out holding hands and i don't think i could be any happier, as we get in to the car me holding open the door for him, as the gentleman i am, and we drive off to work. about halfway there Gavin starts to rub my knee and the he starts going higher until he is a centimetre away from my slightly there bulge. shuffling away from him a bit i try to talk to him but he keeps licking his lips and i am getting more turned on by the second

"Gav, you know, we just started this whole 'us' thing and i am so not ready for that so please, don't push me" after i say this i see a tear run down his face and i pull over to get a proper look at him. he continues to try and hide it till the tears start flowing readily over his cheeks.

"am i not good enough for you? who am i kidding of course i don't compare to you" at this sudden out burst i gasp and am in total shock for around 5 seconds until i manage to pull up the seat divider between us.

pulling him onto my lap while i hug him in a vice like grip i respond with the first thing i know will make everything right.

"Why, Gavin, would you ever think that you are much too good for me? the only reason i don't want that right now is because.." i suddenly stop to make him look at me "Hey, look i don't want that now because, well, Gav, I'm a virgin okay?" after i say this his chin almost literally drops to the floor. feeling a bit annoyed i push his mouth closed and he continues to stare at me until he gets a extremely happy grin on his face and he whispers.

"Do you want me to be your first?" he ask's this with quite the conflicting look on his face.

"Yeah"after that he smiles and kisses me with so much passion that it makes me dizzy. suddenly something slips out of my mouth that, at the time, i'd rather it didn't.

"And my last" after i say that he looks up to me and says

"i love you" and suddenly i feel as if al the weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"i love you too Gav" and with that he climbs back into his seat and just stares at me the whole way there. As we get out i say

"And now for my oh so amazing acting skills"


thanks for the reads and continue to comment and such. LOVE YOU ALL


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