Joe x Reader - Tough Love

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Joe is a romantic man, adores every opportunity he gets to make love to you, to spoil you with affection and things that make you squirm deliciously beneath his touch. He adores you. But as soon as the words leave your lips, something in his head is triggered; something deep and something carnal, somethingdominant, and it takes everything in him not to go all out because then he'd hurt you.

"Please be rough with me."

The plea has him pausing mid-thrust, head pulling up from your neck to look at you... and it's in that moment that his eyes darken the way you like and his mouth is against yours so firmly you cry out for air by the time he pulls away. Exiting you has its cons, leaves you feeling empty without him inside of you, but it reaps rewards you've only dared daydream about in passing as he yanks you over his knee and slams a hand around the back of your throat, forcing your face into the bed.

Making love is all well and good, but sometimes you just need to befucked.

The first smack makes you moan loudly, eyes shutting tightly as pain melts into pleasure, entire body flushing with heat as Gatto rubs the print he's left before delivering another harsh slap. Hands tangle in bed-sheets and, upon the noises you make, Joe forces your head to the side so that they aren't muffled by the bed.

"Harder. I want it to hurt," you gasp, eyes rolling back as his palm whips against your flesh. Your ass is stinging already and he's barely just begun, but it makes you ache with need that far overrides the dull pain in your cheeks. "Oh God, Joey... fuck me..."

"Just shut your mouth," he snaps, tone laced with aggression as he squeezes your cheek firmly, one and then the other. "The only thing I wanna hear comin' out of that mouth is my name, got it?"

"And if I speak?"

Joe's lips twitch in the form of a smirk. "Well wouldn't ya like to know."

His allusion has you grinning to yourself, though it quickly fades when he slaps your ass again with a growl of satisfaction. For the meantime, you decide to humour him, his name leaving your lips with resignation that keeps him hard against your stomach. Shuffling, you make sure your warm skin is pressed right up against his erection. Joe doesn't accept it for long.

The palm on your ass slides to your lower stomach, hoisting you up onto your knees so that your rear is in the air and the rest of you is laid flat. Hearing him chuckle, you feel your core ache with need.

"See, this is how I like ya. Soakin' wet and desperate. I could spank ya so hard I leave bruises that last for weeks, and you'd thank me."


You don't have to plead with him for long for his hand pulls back and smacks hard enough to have you screaming. Blush adorns your cheeks, a trail of drool sliding down the corner of your mouth as you shiver at how good it feels. To have sex with Joe Gatto? Out of this world. But to have Joe Gatto treating you like a whore? There's nothing you like more.

Slap after slap, wallop after wallop, you beg him for more and he delivers with only your interests in mind. In reality it stings to have to be so sharp with you... but then he remembers it's what you like, what you tell him you need and he doesn't feel bad any more.

"How many was that, baby?" Joe asks quietly, mockingly counting four on his fingers before forcing them into your mouth. You've never felt so blessed, lips locking tightly around his digits and sucking without abandon. Tongue leaves saliva dripping off of him, the taste of his skin in your mouth enough to make you shake. "I'm gonna take ya to ten. And you're gonna count with me - and if you lose count I'm not gonna let ya cum so don't fuck around."

All you can do is whimper and nod as he strokes your rear and feeds the sizzling anticipation that burns in you before he slaps hard. Yelping, you make sure to tell him: "Five, that's five!"

And six, seven and eight come by in a blur, you yelling the number back to him each time. It's at nine that he inserts fingers inside of you and fucks you with them so hard that your mind hazes over; deep in at the knuckles, Joe leans his head down and leaves a trail of kisses that outline the handprints on your ass before the hand at your throat forces you to look at him.

"Ten?" he asks, faux innocence on his face as he tilts his head and regards you with eyes that overturn waves. "Scream out ten and you're done, [Y/N]."

Something doesn't click in your head. No, you haven't... he hasn't finished yet. He's skipped a slap and you almost feel cheated because of it. With eyes that narrow, as if he's the biggest dickhead on the face of the planet, you hiss.


Brows raise... before Joe smirks at you, impressed. "Good girl."

Yelling as he delivers the much-awaited slap before performing the last with a flick of his wrist that reeks of dexterity. He lets you sag on his lap, knees giving out as you lay there heaving for breath before he slides fingers inside of you and pumps them in and out so quickly that you waste no time in cumming on them, hands clenching sheets and your teeth grit tightly.

"Joe– oh fuck, that's so good!" You're screaming, shaking so hard he has to hold you steady with a strong hand at your spine. Laying there messily, hair fanned across the bed as you stop convulsing and pant, completely spent, Joe shifts and presses a gentle hand to your head and strokes through your hair. He smiles genuinely.

"So were you, [Y/N]. So were you."

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