Murr x Reader - We 'Dance'

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                                           To put it bluntly, your dance teacher is hot.

However, you sense something is up when he begins to perform strange tasks, such as leaping in the air while his legs snap together, twirling around the length of the room (and at one point doing it so much that he all but crashes into the wall) and repeating the word 'posture!' so many times it no longer sounds like a word.

But you don't care.

"All right - so now we're gonna put all I've taught you into play. Grab a partner, start dancing!"

On instinct, your head swivels to take in the other people in the class - and you promptly realise that you are the odd one out for there are five of you and the others have settled into pairs. Hopelessly, you turn back to the front to confront your dance teacher only to see a hand extended towards you.

"Looks like you and I are partners, m'lady."

A brow dips at his choice of words but his forming grin ultimately wins you over. Your small palm fits in his larger one as he leads you into a clear space. Unbeknownst to you, the other Jokers laugh and the sound of two of them dropping their gear can be heard; Joe off-handedly comments they're going to 'leave him to it considering he's sure to make a fool of himself in front of such a pretty girl' leaving their friend to simmer in self-doubt and light panic. However, all he does is smile, readjusting his gaze and realising for the first time since you've looked at one another that he's transfixed by the vibrant colour staring back him.

"Am I doing it right...?" You dare ask, gaze faltering as you find yourself getting lost in the deep brown of his eyes. All he does is nod. Suddenly you stiffen as he leans in closer, mouth settling beside your ear as he takes a breath and then softly asks:

"Can I get your name? I'm James. James Murray."

You can't help it. Heat floods your face as his voice caresses your fantasies and leaves you a stumbling mess; he must sense your unease for he grasps your hand slightly tighter. Not that you could possibly know, but the gears in Murr's head are turning. The other Jokers are out of the picture now and it means that he can make a move without being scrutinised and mocked if it doesn't work out.

"[Y-Y/N]..." you whisper, cursing your teetering tone and from beside you James smirks slightly. You're adorable... and the sleek black dress that hugs your body in all the right ways... it's making him a little hot under the collar. The hand on your waist twitches, testing the waters, before slipping a little lower. Of course you notice... but all your do is clutch his shoulder closer to you, breathing in his scent and feeling warmth course through your body; as if all of the colour in your face is spreading like a thin layer of paint from the tip of your head to the bottom of your feet.

"All right," Murr calls, startling you briefly. "There are a few more things you can do to be a more successful partner. Don't be afraid to hold your partner close."

The shift in the room is incredible. The Joker has next to no clue what he's talking about but everybody does as he says, bodies seeming to mesh closer together simply because he willed it. All that remains is to follow suit.

"James," You murmur weakly as you feel his lean body lightly against yours. It's too much, you're strangers... and yet the desire to be ever-closer eats away at you because he's attractive as all hell and you want more of him. Your teacher doesn't appear to respond, just spins you (which takes you by surprise though you manage to perform it well) and you come back to him with your back to his chest. Hands slip down your arms, palms smooth and forcing goosebumps to erupt and his lips are close to your ear all over again and–

"I hope the others are focused on my lesson," he breathes hotly, voice low in your ear and, while he can't see you, you close your eyes and bite your lip as your knees quiver. His hands are shifting, fingers teasing by slipping over your stomach and brushing your hips. "Wouldn't want them to see this..."

You force yourself to keep quiet as his teeth lightly catch the sensitive flesh of your earlobe before he pulls away to call 'sway, sway, it's all in the hips!', reassigning himself to you afterwards, tricky hands all but drumming against your stomach. The fabric of your dress is only thin and you can feel the heat of his skin; you want it on you, even if it's just a mindless fling in the cupboard... and as he begins to sway from side to side, his lips brushing down your neck and his tongue brushing against the very essence of your existence, pulse thumping beneath his wet, open-mouthed kisses, you feel the slightest pressure being applied against your rear.

Sucking in a breath, you press back, trying to convince yourself that it's in warning rather than reciprocation. From his close vicinity, you hear the hitch of his breath and feel the shift of his face as one of his hands makes its way from your hip to your jaw, tilting it up. The corners of your mouths touch and the smouldering tint in his eyes would have paralysed you had he not guided you smoothly across the floor with his firm body.

His warmth is what keeps you meshed against him and you're both grateful and disappointed when he spins you again, arriving front to front with him once more as your hands reassign to their respective positions. Still, his thumb is stroking and it's making you tingly and he keeps looking at your lips, very obviously might you add, and–

"And when the dance is done, guys, you wanna bow at the waist–"

Murr pauses, releasing you (to which you very nearly whine at) and bowing, before he straightens up again.

"–And take the lady's hand and give it a kiss."

And no sooner has he said such a sentence has he grasped one of yours and brought it up to his lips, seductive gaze flitting from your skin to your eyes, a smirk that makes your cheeks flush stretching lightly across his face.

"...and hope you see her again."

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