Chapter Two

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Previously on, Calling In Drama;

Yogi asks Mr.Matthews what the secret of life is. Riley went home confused on the topic.
Maya came in and related It to Lucas. The next day, Lucas seemed different. Maya and Riley were talking about him after class.
Mr.Matthews came out of the classroom and gave Riley a detention.

Riley's POV:

"Detention!" Dad shouted from inside the classroom. He walked out with a slip. A detention slip...

-#[Chapter Two]#-

I grabbed the slip from my dad and turned around towards Maya.

"Detention?" I said quietly. She nodded.

"Yes," she said calmly,"But don't you worry. You aren't alone."

"Wh-" Before I could finish, she ran off back into the classroom. I confusedly followed.

When I walked in, Maya was dancing on his desk and kicking things off of it. Dad was just sitting there.

She fianlly stoped. Maya put her hands on her hips and was out of breath while still standing on the desk.

"How about that," She smirked.

"Nice dance moves Maya. Now if you will excuse me, I have a detention to start."

Maya sighed and got down. She brushed past me saying,"Sorry Riles."

Maya shut the door and I sighed. Dad cleared his throat and directed me to sit down.

I pulled out the first notebook I could grab to just pretend I'm doing something. And of course, the one notebook I grabbed was the,"Lucas+Riley Forever," one.

I flipped to a random page and reached for a pencil in my bag. Once I reached a pencil, I started writing.

"Dear Maya,

Detention is too scary. I've been in here forever! When can I come out? This is scary. Once I come out, I'll be different. Detention changes a woman.

Riley <3"

I laughed to myself then ripped out the page. Dad looked at me confused when I handed him the note.

"Tell her I love her," I joked but he took me seriously.

On my way back to sitting in my seat, Lucas opened the door.

"Mr.Friar, please take a seat. Front row please," he said. And of course, Lucas sits right next to me.

"Now Riley, Lucas, I am going to a meeting down the hall. I'm going to lock the doors. Don't cause any trouble,"Daddy said as he grabbed his things off the floor and left.

It was silent. I didn't talk to Lucas. I was still afraid of him. Something seems so different.

"Riles," I heard causing me to jump.

I turned to Lucas. He was the one who said it. I honestly don't want to talk to him.

My eyes returned back to my notebook. I was looking at the back cover.

It said thing like,"Lucas and Riley, Friends forever. Nothing else."

At this moment, I know that I don't want to be anything more. I'm not sure if I even want to be friends.

"Riles please talk to me."

I sighed,"For why?"

"Maya told me."

I looked around thinking. Told him what? About People Change People? How would she? They never talk alone.

"She said that you're afraid of me," he said.

I faced him. How could she tell him? Lucas grabbed and small folded note. I quickly and cautiously grabbed it. I unfolded it and noticed it was written in pen.

Maya's favorite color pen.

"Lucas, You are being very strange. We are getting cautious around you,"

I looked up and Lucas and continued reading,

"Riley is very scared. Couldn't you tell?"

Short, but true. I have to admit, I am scared. Very scared.

Lucas sighed and I handed him the note. I looked up at the clock and saw that we've only been in here for five minutes.

This is going to be awhile...


"I said that I'm sorry Riles," he raised his voice, obviously getting angry.

I couldn't face him.

"What do you want me to do!" He added.

"Nothing Lucas! I just want to sit here. In silence. So please, just stop talking to me."

He sighed and got up. I looked up to see what he was up to.

"Lucas what are you doing?" I asked quietly,"We're suppost to be sitting down."

Lucas's hand was on the handle. He was staringing at it. Then suddenly, his grip just let go. Lucas's hand fell.

People Change People

Lucas walked back to the desk and sat down. He laid his head down and closed his eyes. What is he thinking right now?

"Do you know what the assignment is?" I brought up randomly.

He looked up at me and stared at me for a few seconds,"Oh," he said and reached into his bag.

Lucas pulled out a blue piece of computer paper. He handed it to me. At the top of the page, it said,"List a name of someone in history who has changed from another person."

"God, it's like he was expecting Yogi to bring up the 'People Change People' thing,"Lucas said.

I got an idea. I laughed a little quietly an nodded.

"I know someone who has changed from another person," I brought up.

"Oh really?" he chuckled a little,"Can I copy yours?"

I wrote down his name then handed the paper to him.

Before he read it, he started talking,"I thought about doing Rosa Parks since she changed the mind of most black and white," he started to read the name then stopped talking.

He got silent.

I looked down then looke back up hoping everything could have gone away. But that wouldn't happen.

"Lucas Friar," he said slowly,"Hmm."

Dad walked in and unlocked the door.

"Your time is up! Dismissed."

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