Chapter 6

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Just before dinner, Seth was sparring with Brock behind the house. When the sunlight began to fade away, Brock tossed his practice sword to Seth. "Put them away."

Seth watched Brock head back into the house. He smiled at his reflection in his sword's blade. Brock may not be his real father, but he was his father. Yeah, whenever he needed something, Brock and Sally were there for him, no one else. Seth grimaced. How would they react when they find out he failed to find the Dark Elves? Brock promised to raise him as his real father, the knight, would have. Would he take that as a failure? Seth was so sure that his little party would find them that it never occurred to him that he could fail. His stomach twisted as he entered the house.

"Seth, come out for dinner!" Sally yelled from the kitchen.

Seth was sitting on the edge of his bed. "I'll be right there!" The gleaming sword that Brock made for him stood in the corner. Whenever he was alone, its beauty commanded him to admire it. Someday he would be worthy of that great gift and avenge the family he never knew. Maybe perhaps even avenge the woman who saved his life. But first he had to get past tonight and tell the others that he had failed.

As Seth sat down, his mouth began to water when Sally placed the pork pie in front of him. "Thank you," he said as he heaved a forkful into his mouth.

Brock grinned. "He's getting better, Sally. He really is."

"I know, but, Brock, is it too soon?" she asked.

Seth looked up from his plate. "Too soon for what?"

"We're easing into it, Sally," Brock began. "Trust me."

"Easing into what?" Seth demanded. "Father, I love you, but sometimes you talk about me like I'm not even here."

Sally bit her lip.

Brock sighed. "You're already involved. The meetings, learning to fight, your volunteering to find the Dark Elves and finding out what they're up to are all part of it. I've told you about your father being a knight, but—there's more."

Sally shot Brock a fearful glance.

"I—it has to wait, son. I promise you will know soon enough." Brock's eyes softened. "You have to trust me, Seth."

"Do I have a choice?" Seth asked.

Brock shook his head. "No, you don't. I—"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Are they here already?" Sally asked as she got up to answer the door.

Seth smiled as Alya, wearing a red cloak, walked through the door.

Alya saw that the family was eating dinner. "Am I too early?"

Brock smiled. "It's okay."

"Would you like some? It's pork pie," Sally said as she motioned Alya to the table.

"You'll like it," Seth said.

"Why not?" Alya said as she sat down next to Seth. "Thank you for inviting me to the meeting," she said to Brock.

"No problem." Brock straightened up. "Seth is really doing great with a sword now."

Alya winked at Seth. "I had no idea."

Brock let out a small chuckle. "Let me tell you what happened today. You, see..."

Seth rolled his eyes as Brock told Alya how he disarmed his father. It was evident that Brock was proud of him, but—but will he still be after I tell them I failed? He took another bite of pork pie.

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