Chapter 4

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The morning sun peaked over Kyhr Deep as Seth's feet dangled in the water. He sat on the small dock, just outside the blacksmith shop. He gripped his fishing pole tightly and tossed the line in front of the dock.

Last night, he dreamed the same image over and over again. He was on top of that Dark Elf, slamming his head into a rock. The more the elf begged, the harder Seth hit him. He raised the rock over his head to deliver the killing blow. White lights shot from the dark elf's fingers right into Seth's chest. The rock fell from his hands. Seth clutched at his heart as he fell over. He couldn't breathe. The Dark Elf slapped him, like he did Sally, and smiled. Seth's world went dark.

The cool breeze whisked Seth's hair. As he stared at the cork bobber riding the current, last night's dream tried to break into his mind. Seth shook his head. All he wanted was revenge and it was consuming him.

"Catch anything yet?" Brock asked as he sat down next to Seth. A faint smile climbed onto his face. He looked deep into Seth's eyes. "Couldn't sleep?"

Seth shook his head. "Not really."

"You said some great stuff last night. You showed real leadership. I'm so proud of you." Brock's eyes twinkled. "For a moment, I thought you sounded like your father."


Brock got up. "Come on, we've got a few things to do before we check the traps."

Seth smiled. "Sure." He followed Brock into the shop.

Brock tossed a few logs in the iron forge just outside the overhead cover. "Seth, could you set up the two displays?"

Seth headed inside the small building. "Yes, Father." Towards the back of the one-room building was a large locked wooden closet. He fumbled with the key ring. "The diamond-shaped one?"

"That's it," Brock replied.

He put the key into the lock and turned it. Seth opened the closet. There were supposed to be baskets of chains, armor pieces, iron hooks, etc., but there wasn't. There was a small table in the center, covered with red velvet. His eyes widened. The sunlight glinted off the polished blade. A little dragon was etched on the blade just above the hilt. Tight leather strips covered the longsword's handle. He reached out for the precious treasure.

Brock put his hand on Seth's shoulder. "What do you think?"

Seth gulped. "Um—you've made some customer happy. It's-it's gorgeous."

Brock handed the sword to Seth. "I hope so."

His hands were trembling as he took the sword. "For me?"

"Yes, you deserve it." Brock reached inside the closet and grabbed the scabbard. "You'll need this, too."

"I—" Seth's eyes couldn't leave the beautiful blade. "Thank you, Father." He slid the sword into the scabbard and secured it to his hip. "I don't know what to say."

Brock smiled. "You said it last night. Your speech was just like your real father. I now know that Thea's sacrifice wasn't in vain."

Seth looked down at his new sword. "Who was she? Mom mentioned her, too."

"Thea the Loyal," Brock said as he settled back into a wooden chair. "She was the first and only woman knight in the Kingdom of Axain."

Seth blinked. "A woman?"

"Yes, and she was a great warrior and fierce tactician." Brock looked right into Seth's eyes. "Thea was the bravest knight I've ever known. She had saved your father's life before you were born. Thea led the charge, attacking the Feral Orcs at Nightfall Meadows." He laughed to himself. "She humiliated Kade on the battlefield."

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