Chapter 16- Best Night Ever

Start from the beginning

                “Aiden if you don’t close your mouth I’m going to punch it close for you,” she tells me and she just can’t get more beautiful.

                “You look beautiful,” I tell her as I grab her hand.

                “Thanks you look handsome too,” she politely compliments.

                “Well, I’m out,” Asher excuses himself but we’re not really paying attention. I lead her outside where Athen awaits by the limo since he is the driver.

                “Milady,” he bows dramatically as he opens the door for London.

                “Thank you my duffus,” she salutes and gets in.

                “You can get in by yourself,” he tells me and heads to the driver’s side. I’m feeling the love, but I get inside nevertheless. Nothing can ruin this.

                “So, where are we going,” London asks after a while of driving.

                “You’ll find out,” I answer as I wrap an arm around her and pull her closer. I smile when she doesn’t pull back or punches me. After about twenty minutes we pull up to the restaurant and she turns to me with an amused smile as she figures part of the date out.

                “Karaoke, really?” she asks raising an eyebrow.

                “I decided to serenade you,” I inform her once we’re inside and seated.

                “Oh god, you’re going to sing?”

                “Yes, and I happen to be a very good singer for your information.”

                “Sure,” she sips her water oh and how I wish I could kiss her right now. We soon order our food and don’t think I didn’t notice that waiter eyeing her up but I controlled myself, this is a special night. Dinner was fun we talked about our favorite things and I filled her in on my favorite things which she still can’t believe I like to read. Once dessert came, we shared a chocolate lover’s cheesecake which is awesome when we heard the announcement.

                “Now, to kick this night off Aiden Sanders would like to dedicate this song to his date tonight,” and that’s my cue to get on stage. I grab the microphone with a smile and a wink London’s way I begin.

London’s POV:

Play song now!!!!!;)

                I can’t believe Aiden’s actually going to do this. He’s going to sing for me and I can’t help but feel those butterflies again. Suddenly, the lights dim and the stage darkens. Once the song begins the light illuminates right on Aiden but when the song picks up I can’t help but laugh. His backup dancers are the rest of the guys all dressed in tuxedos with black shades on that go with Aiden’s black dress up pant and white button down that defines his muscles. They have this whole thing choreographed and I somehow feel this song is directed at me. They have the crowd laughing with their performance and I swear I heard some ladies asking them to take off their clothes, they didn’t much to everyone’s dismay. Aiden dances through the crowd and once the last line kicks in lands on my lap looking up at me. I can’t help myself I lean down and kiss him with the cheers as background. That was awesome.

                “Did you enjoy it?” he asks breathlessly as we pull away.

                “Yes, now it’s my turn,” I grab the mic and head towards the stage. All the guys give me a thumbs up as they disappear to god knows where. With a smile I begin to sing the song I chose, hopefully he’ll get it. With that I begin Ellie Goulding’s Only You:

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