¨You will all learn about humans in order to revive the ancient link between the gods and humanity.¨ Zeus said looking at the gods. ¨Do you really think we'll just do as you say?¨ Loki asked with a smirk. ¨Return my brother and me to our world. Or else... ¨ (I almost wrote elsa instead of else XD) Susanoo said as water started surrounding him. ¨There will be hell to pay.¨ Loki smirked as a ball of flames appeared in his hand. Loki laughed madly and charged at Zeus the same time as Susanoo. Just as they were about to hit him Zeus slammed the bottom of his staff on the ground. Lighting appeared from above and hit Loki and Susanoo. 

¨If you use your divine powers indiscriminately, this academy will be destroyed. Therefore...¨ Zeus smirked and lifted up his staff. A light started coming from the staff and it flowed to the gods. All kinds of shackled were put on them on different places. Apollon got a ring on his ringfinger with a green gem in the middle. By Hades a chain with a dark little doll appeared hang around his neck. Dionysus had a golden ring with a green gem with a silver staff hanging in his ear. Balder also got an earring but it was in the middle of his ear not in the earlobe. Thor got a band around his bicep with a brown string, holding a pearl in the middle. Loki got a black necklace with a green gem and a silver form of a flame (?) hanging around his neck. Susanoo got a green rope around his ankle with a sea blue gem. Tsukuyomi got a wristband with a purple gem and a golden ring.

¨What is this? I can't get it off.¨Loki groaned as he tried to pull his necklace off. ¨He's right it won't come off.¨ Apollon sighed as he tried to pull his ring off. ¨These shackles seal your divine powers. No one can defy me here. Those shackles are the proof!¨ Zeus smirked.  ¨That's enough!¨ Loki yelled and held out his hand. He expected that a great flame would erupt from his hand but instead small circled around his fingers appeared and disappeared after a few seconds. ¨What's happening¨ he gasped and looked at his hand. ¨Same with me¨ Susanoo said. ¨You will study here. When you earn the right to graduate your shackles will remove themselves.¨ Zeus said. ¨Come!¨ he yelled and a big glass ball floated in the air. ¨Once you understand the human heart, this container will be filled. You have one year. In other words, if you cannot fill it within a year, you will all be trapped in this garden... Forever.¨  he said causing everyone to gasp. ¨This isn't funny¨ Susanoo yelled. ¨Are you serious.¨ Thor mumbled. ¨Zeus, that's tyrannical!¨ Hades yelled. ¨I shall not entertain protests. It has already been decided¨ Zeus said. ¨Thoth..¨ zeus called and a man stepped into the room. ¨This man will be your instructor.¨ Zeus said and everyone looked at the handsome man. He had pure white hair and a tanned skin. He had beautiful dark blue eyes. He was wearing a black blouse with the the upper buttons open. Over his blouse he had a long blue jacket with white, black and golden linings around his shoulders. He had on egyptian jewelry.

¨I am the Egyptian god of knowledge, Thoth.¨ he said with a deep voice. ¨You classmates will be...¨ Zeus started and slammed the bottom of his staff on the ground. The school was suddenly filled with faceless students. ¨these many spirits.¨ Zeus finished. ¨So many, in an instant...¨ Akiyoshi mumbled.  ¨Amazing.¨ Yui finished. ¨Akiyoshi Minami and Kusanagi Yui.¨ Zeus said causing both of them to jump.

¨Yes!¨ they said in unison. ¨Your responsibility is to lead the gods to graduation. Is that clear.¨ Zeus said. ¨Yes¨ Akiyoshi sighed but Yui stayed silent as she glared at Zeus. ¨Tomorrow morning, you will gather in the auditorium to prepare for the afternoon's entrance ceremony. That is all. You are dismissed for today.¨ Thoth said and turned around. ¨Minami ... Kusanagi.. Come with me¨ he said and started walking. ¨R-Right¨ they said in unison again, causing both of them to giggle.


¨Zeus modeled this academy after human schools. All necessary facilities have been provided. There's even food available in the cafeteria. ¨ Thoth said with no emotion. ¨E-Excuse me... It's all so sudden, I don't understand what...¨ Akiyoshi started and stopped walking. When he looked up he saw that Thoth didn't stop so he ran behind him. ¨Nevermind.¨ Akiyoshi sighed and walked behind Thoth with his head low. ¨Isn't he being too willful, even for a god?¨ Yui suddenly asked angry. ¨H-He brought us here so suddenly... My family must be worried about-¨  Yui ranted but stopped when Thoth looked at her and smirked. ¨Don't be concerned. Once everyone graduates, you'll return to the time you came from through the power of Chronos, god of time. ¨ Thoth said. ¨The time we came from? But that's not an excuse to do whatever he w-¨ Yui continued but was cut off as Thoth slammed her against a wall. Akiyoshi gasped and ran towards Yui. ¨Zeus has the future of both humanity and the gods in mind. The Sword of Heaven's Gathering Clouds... Eventually, that sword and the compass will guide your way. Take good care of it.¨ Thoth said and walked away.

¨Are you alright Yui?¨ Akiyoshi asked. Yui nodded quickly and accidentally bumped into him. Akiyoshi fell on the ground hard. ¨Itte...¨ he pouted and looked up but Yui was already walking behind Thoth. Akiyoshi pouted and catched up with them.  ¨Women's dorms are to the right. The men's are to the left.¨ Thoth said as they stood in front of two buildings. ¨Minami... Your room is on the first floor the last door to the right.¨ Thoth said and walked away with Yui. Yui waved at him and akiyoshi waved back of course.

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