Chapter 5

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A/N: I'M SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! IT'S JUST THAT SCHOOL IS ANNOYING AF AND YEAH... SORRY!! Oh and do you guys think I should let Apollon and Yui be together? I don't know..

Yui's Pov

Just as I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips. He kissed my cheek. I snapped out of my daze and pushed him away.

¨W-What are you doing?¨  I yelled embarrassed. ¨Eh?¨ he gasped. ¨I was introducing myself... I was being polite. ¨ he said with a carefree smile. ¨B-But...¨ I sweatdropped. I mean you don't just kiss someone you just know. ¨Have I offended you?¨ he asked worriedly. ¨You're from another country, aren't you? In your country, do they greet people differently? ¨ he asked. ¨Yes...¨ I said.

¨Sorry... I'm sorry! I must have confused you. ¨ he apologised and bowed. ¨It's okay.¨ I sighed with a smile. ¨Great.¨ he said with a grin on his face.

¨Is something wrong? If something is bothering you, I'll listen.¨ he said. ¨I was told to study with the gods here and to teach them about humans... But I can't do that! I want to go home!¨ I yelled with tears welling in my eyes. ¨But Zeus-san said... I want to do something, but I don't even know where I am.¨ I sighed and crossed my arms. ¨Oh... That's why you looked like you were about to cry. ¨ Apollon said with a smile and bended down to my height. ¨Don't cry¨ he said with a close eyed smile. ¨I'm on your side. I'm your ally.¨ he said ¨I don't know what this place is either. So let's figure it out together. ¨ he said and whistled. I looked at him confused, but my eyes widened when I saw the pegasus from earlier flying towards us. ¨I wonder if Akiyoshi is okay.... I'm worried.¨ I mumbled to myself and fumbled with my shirt. ¨What did you say?¨ Apollon asked. ¨Nothing.¨ I sighed.

I jumped when the pegasus suddenly landed next to me. ¨Thank you. Good boy... What a good boy.¨ Apollon said as he stroked the pegasus head. The pegasus neighed.  ¨Don't be afraid. He's gentle. Come and stroke him.¨ Apollon said turning towards me. (pffft come and stroke him... XD Damn my sexy mind.... I'll shut up now)

I slowly raised my hand towards his head. I gasped when his soft fur touched my hand. And smiled when the pegasus neighed in content. ¨Miss what's your name?¨ Apollon asked. ¨Kusanagi Yui¨I said. ¨Kusanagi Yui... Foreign names sound so beautiful. But may I call you 'Fairy'? Is that alright?¨ he asked. ¨Eh?¨ I sweatdropped. ¨Because you're lovely, like a fairy.¨ He said and jumped on the pegasus back. He turned to me and held out his hand. This dude really looks like a prince or something. ¨Now let's go¨ He said snapping me out of my daze. I grabbed his hand and yelped when he pulled me in front of him. ¨Let's go!¨ he said cheerfully and the pegasus started flying. I held my hands in front of my face in fright. But when we were higher in the air I grabbed Apollons arm. ¨U-Uhm...¨ I mumbled scared. ¨It's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of.¨ he reassured and put his arm around me. I started blushing and looked the other way.

The horse started flying higher. I smiled widely when we were flying next to ducks. (PEWDS WAT U DOIN HEERREE) The horse stopped high in the sky above the island. ¨It's a floating island. ¨ I mumbled. ¨This place really is...¨ Apollon said and looked the other way.  He sighed and we flew back to the island. ¨Oh well. Let's go back to the academy.¨ Apollon sighed.


Apollon and I were walking in a big room. ¨It appears everyone has arrived. ¨ I heard Zeus say as he walked down the stairs in front of us. ¨Welcome to my garden, to my academy... My beloved students.¨ he started but was cut off by some blue haired guy. ¨Cut the crap! You're behind all this?!¨ he yelled. I ignored him and looked around the room for Akiyoshi. When I spotted him I sighed in relief and ran towards him.

Normal Pov

Zeus looked at the blue haired god before him. ¨Japanese god of the sea, Susanoo.¨ Zeus said calmly looking at the blue haired male in front of him. ¨Japanese god of the moon, Tsukuyomi.¨ he said looking at the purple haired male with golden eyes. ¨Norse god of the light, Balder.¨ he said looking at the long blonde haired male with blue eyes. ¨God of fire, Loki¨ he said looking at the redhaired male with stormy grey eyes. ¨God of thunder, Thor¨ he said looking at the turquoise haired male (turquoise is that sort of blue greenish color. it's my fav color) ¨Greek god of the underworld, Hades¨ he said looking at the green haired male with blood red eyes. ¨God of fertility, Dionysos¨ he said looking at the redwine haired male with neon green eyes. ¨And god of the sun, Apollon.¨ he said looking at the blonde haired male with forest green eyes.

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