Not A Chapter (Will Be Deleted Later)

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I'm a terrible author... I'M NOT DEAD! High school is just kicking my butt. I'm currently REALLY into Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood so I'm going to brush up on Dragon Ball Z and then get these things updated over the break or sooner! I'm so, so sorry I'm such a terrible person, don't kill me. Dx Right now I have a severely sprained and possibly fractured wrist so typing on my phone/laptop is ridiculously hard.

As I said before with high school, I'm now in independent studies. That means more work, but less time in school, so more time to write!

This week I will be reading over these stories and I will be brushing up on them.

Then this weekend I will be watching Dragon Ball Z movies (more than likely the new one because I need it!), Dragon Ball Z Abridged, and maybe my favorite episodes!

Before I update, I have to warn you...

I am about three years older then when I started these. Not only am I more mature, but I'm more advanced in my writing.

What does this mean?

My writing is going to be more intellectual and grammatically correct to put it simply. XD

Also, there will probably be more bad language because face it, these guys curse, and shit happens. XD

Now, for the part where I apologize to you beautiful people because this isn't an update that you so hoped for.

They will be here soon. I am REFUSING to give up on these stories. So be patient with me, alright? Life is in the way.

I hope to have them updated before January. If all goes well, at least two of them will be.

And a lot of them will be edited because I was a very crappy writer at like, what, twelve-years-old?

I'm sorry; I've tortured you all long enough.

So I might even try and get one done and up by tomorrow night! Hopefully... Thank you for sticking around if you're still there. You all mean so, so much to me. I love you guys!~

To Say You Love Me (Dragon Ball Z) (Under Reconstruction/Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now