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• Your background story and some info about you and your sister  •

Your name is Telanora Rose and Your sister's name is Elizabeth Rose.
Now you have straight dark brown hair and your sister has curly unattainable light brown hair. You both had blue eyes and both have pretty different facial structure but are still very gorgeous, you two chose that as an advantage you'll find out how and why later in the story. You were a tomboy and your sister was very girly. She had light skin and you had slightly tanned skin.

You were short though only 5'2 and your sister Lizzy (nickname) was 5'5. You were 18 and she was 15, even though you two opposites you got along very well you were the protective one and MUCH stronger one. She was decently strong and quite a trouble maker.

Your father (Eden Rose) left you two at a young age and abandoned you both with a horrible mother, (Calpurnia Rose). She constantly had mood changes, she was a psycho, at one moment she would love you and the next minute she would be abusing you two for no reason whatsoever you didn't know why, or why your father left you but your sister was depressed and you were in rage. When you were 13 and your sister was 10 you two ran away.

You learned how to fight eventually from gangs jumping you and Lizzy. You would escape since you two weren't the easiest to catch considering your size and how far you can run without losing your breath.

You also learn by watching bar fights in the alley way. After 2 years of intense practice you were absolutely unstoppable. You as well taught your sister but she failed at her punches she would either miss or was too weak. Or she threw to hard of a punch and hurt her fist. But you continued to teach her despite her giving up multiple times.

Then they took Lizzy and then everything then changed for both of you.

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