"Accident..?" Dan said.

"Yes. You don't remember?"

Dan shook his head.

"Any of it?" The doctor asked.

He shook his head again.

"Can you get the girl's mother up here?" He turned to the nurse.

"I'm not a girl for fucks sake!" He shouted at the doctor.

The doctor pulled the nurse out into the hall, leaving Dan full of anger.

He came back in, but the nurse did not.

"So...um... Mr. Howell. How much do you remember...?" He said sounding unsure if he should use the word 'Mr.'. All Dan could do was just stare at him.

The doctor sighed.

"I don't even know your name, and you obviously don't know mine. So why don't we cut the small talk and you can tell me where my goddamn boyfriend is, or else I will rip out this IV and this tube and find him my fucking self."  Dan threatened him.

The doctor looked a little stunned at Dan.

"I'm Doctor Jacobs." He said.

"Okay 'Doctor Jacobs', where is my boyfriend?" Dan asked.

It was then, his mother walked into the room.

"Daniella! You are awake!" She screamed.

Dan snickered to himself.

For someone who was such a bitch, he thought to himself.

She ran to him for a hug, but before she could get one Dan asked his question again.

"Where is Phil?"

His mother bit her lip and turned to the doctor.

"Can I speak to you in the hall, Doctor Jacobs?" She said.

Dan looked astonished. He didn't know everyone could be ignoring him.

The doctor nodded and went into the hall with her.

Dan sat in his hospital bed, angry. He didn't know what was going on, all he knew was that there was an accident. An accident he couldn't remember.

He tried to think as hard as he could, he tried to think of any detail there was until his mother came back into the room.

"Daniella..." She said.

"My name is Dan."

She sighed.

"Daniella," his mother said once again. She was a lost cause and he knew she wouldn't use his real name anyways so he gave up.

"Phil... Phil is dead." She said.


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