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Marco P.O.V (dreaming)

I walked around the empty room, looking outside the window to see white snow falling to the ground. My hands got col covered them into a cup and put out hot air to keep them warm. I didn't see star around, and I was in my regular body. Maybe they fixed it, but that doesn't explain why its snowing. I looked around the room and saw a Christmas tree lit up so it seemed like it was a star. I sat down near it feeling the beams of light on my checks. I felt a hand on my shoulder and quickly turned around. Seeing only tom, "your still hear". I hear him say "yup" with a smile as he took a seat next to me. "Great", I said with sarcasm. "Hey come on , its a special night we could have some fun together". "What do you imply with that", I said with a glare. "You know exactly what I mean", I felt his finger grab my chin closer to my face. "Tom, come on", "don't you wanna be closer to me". "What?", "can't even answer the question so embarrassed". I saw his smile grow, as I became to have an akward look. I felt his hips be pressed against mine as I layed on the floor , him still holding my chin closer and closer to his face. I felt so small even tho I was in my regular body. Thoughts went through of how I turned back and why it was snowing. "Why?" I said confused, "why what?, I heard tom say. " why would I dream about you?", his smile grew and somehow I started to blush. "Maybe because you really do love me ", he went closer to my ear and said in a sexual tone "want me ...". Thoses words flew through my ming 'want him'. He pulled my chin to his lips, and for some reason I enjoy it. Him coming closer to me, feeling his undo my pants. Haveing him on top of me. If this is a dream I could stop it, so why?

Tom P.O.V (in dream)

The snow was still coming down, and as my hands went down. I heard marco moan, and I then went harder into him. Making me want him more and more as each second past. I felt his hands grip my hair as I went to his face and kissed him, feeling his warm lips on mine. Seeking my tough into his mouth, seeing his blush grow. The feeling growing, as I went faster and faster.

Marco P.O.V

I moaned louder and louder each time, feeling like I was going to burst. Grabbing his hair and pulling his face closer to mine, I felt his lips go against my neck and suck into my skin. My breathing got harder and faster every time he went into me. My eyes started into his, and I felt him start to lay onto of my chest, his fingers curved around my hips pulling my body closer to him, making me arch my back into him. My eyes filled with pleasure that I wish tom didn't see, even if it was a dream. Tom grabbed my arm and pulled it closer to his lips licking and then sucking on my skin. He went from my arm to my neck once more and bit into my skin. I felt my blood run to the floor as he kept sucking. I went closer to his neck and went across his check my lips brushing against his skin, and gave his a kiss onto his check. He went back to my eyes and smiled pulling out of me I moaned and then he slammed back in. Making me arch back into him wanting him closer and closer by the sec. I wanted him to go harder and harder.
I started to see the sky turn white, and as my eyes closed and reopened again. I saw my self in my room , on my bed. In the little body I have had for over a week now. I looked beside me to see tom reading " you awake?", he said as he flipped the page. For some reason he was smiling the entire time, must have been a good book. Though when he flipped the next page their wasn't any letter. Remebering what happed in my dream made my face grow red, "yeah I am". I used the sheets to cover myself up. I felt his hand pat my head, "star is figuring out a spell to get you back to normal soon, so don't go running off again". I nodded my head as he left the room. Weird he ussualy says something, or does something....

Tom P.O.V

As I lefted the room, and closed the door with book in hand. "Bill cipher, you smart ass. Thank you so much I will always be in your debt". I grinned as I walked out. "Me calling him up was the best idea ever, everything that happened in his dream is now something I can read". "Oh man your the best"

As I dialed his number I heard his ussualy response "yellow". "Hey, I wanted to thank you, that was the best thing you could do for me as a fellow demon". "Well thanks I'm pretty proud I came up with the idea". "So how's it going with your relations?". "You mean pine tree, he isn't too much of a fan, but still sticking it out, I am a dream demon after all". I laughed at that comment , "well good for you. Call me up if you need any helps with that". I heard his laugh over the phone, "I don't think I will a deal is a deal after all". "Alright well see ya". I heard him ended the call before me, he always wants to be the one who does that. "I walked into stars room who seemed to have fallen asleep. "Nice", I said sarcastically, as I went to the coush and reread the book all over again.

Marco P.O.V

Got a chill up the spine for some crazy reason, and that book is werid. Why read it if it doesn't have any words?


To be continued....

Merry Christmas to all, and I hope you like the chapter. I know its not starring it, but it was in his dream. Yeah... But I hope it was food enough for a Christmas special. Bill cipher as a guest

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