15 meomeries

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Marco P.O.V
I felt someone shake my shoulder, I woke up startled. As I saw a dude with three eyes, I pushed my back against the wall.
Tom: "Marco?", as I was about to go up too him. I saw him shaking in fear. I reluctanly pulled my hand back. As I saw star try to confront him. The air felt different, and not just that but the gaze I got from him.

Star: "Marco? Its us remember..." As she put her two hands in the air waving her fingers "your best friends?". She tried to put on a smile to lighten the mood.

Marco P.O.V

My mind felt as if a wave went over me and washed away everything. I felt bad , but I don't know them. "Best friends?", i whispered quietly. My eyes keep going back to her and the other dude...
Who are they ?, how come do I not remember them? Why does that dude have a third eye?

Tom: "marco snap out of it you remember us, hey what about the blood moon dance....you remember that right?"

Marco: I look back at his third eye as I asked "blood moon dance....are you a vampire or something?"

Tom P.O.V

My eyes went wide as I quickly walked away. Why is he acting like that, is this what toffee ment? Did he really lose his meomery? I took a deep breath and look at star who was walking towards me .

Star: "he doesn't seem to remember us" she looked down, depressed.

Tom: "yeah and he insulted me, I've never been confused with a vampire before...bloodsuckers" I spat out with anger.

Star: "maybe I have a spell that can fix this", I got my book and asked about meomery recovery.

Tom: as I saw her asked her book, I quickly retorted "yeah that's probably gonna make it worse". I closed the book, but then she reopened it and gave me a cold stare.

Marco P.O.V

Why the heck are they standing around like that, wait why are they in my room?
I stood up and started walking to my window "well if you guys are here then I'm out", as I was about to jump out the window I felt someone grave my arm and then pull me to there chest. "What?", I looked up to see the three eyeded vampire holding me. De ja vu??

Tom: "first I am not a vampire, second don't you remember what happened -------- wait never mind". I quickly let him go and sat him on the bed.

Marco: "then what are you, and how would I know you?"

Star: "he's tom my ex", as i walked over and grabbed my wand and started chanting my spell.

Tom: as I looked at star i quickly said in an irritated tone "this better work", I looked at the confused marco and I said "I'm a demon and its very insulting for you to say that I was a blood sucker luckily its just because you lost your meomery...I won't be harsh".

Marco: I felt a chill go up my spin, but then when the girl said her spell my bones felt like they were melting. As I grabbed my arms and my grip harden. My eyes wincied, as my vision went foggy.

Tom: "star what's happing to him?", I said in a worried tone. As I took a step closer and then I heard him scream. "Star!", I quickly said in anger.

Star P.O.V

I don't get it what's happing, I fliped back into the book when I heard tom yell my name in anger. I looked up to him and saw his eyes turn full red. I took a step back, as I said "tom calm down, I had the right spell but..."
As I read the page, I looked back at marco. "Their something off, its right, but..."
"But what!!", i heard tom yell.
"Tom I'm saying he should get his meomery back, but their is a negative affect towards it!"
I saw his eyes go back to normal and him calming down, "what do you mean?"
I handed him the book and went over to marco who feel unconscious, I saw him twitch his eyes once in awhile. I felt bad, "tom is this my fault?"
The tension in the room slowly lifted and it went lament.


To be continue....

Sorry it took me forever everything went wrong with my technology ugh pain in the butt.
Hope you liked it I tried my best to make it a good chapter.

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