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Wow thanks so much for 15k+ you guys are amazing, i cant believe it i am so happy. Anyway you guys probably want to read the chapter so here it is.


Tom P.O.V

As i got up from the bed, i saw marco wiggle and grab my arm. "Awwww how cute", i grabed his hand and put the blankets overtop of him. I gave a smile before leaving as i gave him a kiss on the forehead. I saw star walk in and i asked her "did you fine a way to put him back to normal?", she shock her head 'no' and then asked me "where are you going?". "I gotta run an earon", here text me when marco wakes up", "dont worry i have your number", "you do?", "yeah i kept it". I put my phone up as i thought, mystery solved with all the prank calls. "Well im heading out, watch over him till i get back and try to reverse this". "Gotcha", i hear her say in her usual optimisim. As i left the room, i went in a hury to hell.

(30min. Later)

Marco P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly realizing that i was alone in the room. "Huh", i was about to get off the bed, but then fell head first "crap, forgot ,I'm a little kid now. I looked to see star out side of my room looking at her spell book, "hehe my chance". I walked out of the room and went downstairs, i smiled as i walked out without notice. "Well since im a kid i might as well have some fun", i looked around for my bike as i found it, i tried to get on but then hit my head again. "Ouh...stupid, me being short", i kicked a rock and then walked off. I headed to the market, i took a deep breath as it felt like i walked miles. As i walked, i bumped into Jeremy, we both stared at each other before he gave me a punch at the head, "haha watch where your going kid". "Your the kid", i shouted back, he looked back at me with a confused stare. I was about to fight him, but before i knew it i was picked up and thrown in a dumpster. "Ahhhh you-", "you know the phrase pick on someone your own size, start learning it". I heard his laugh echo through my ears as he walked away. My face was heated with embarssement and anger "you-", i held my fist up and clenched it tight. As i tried to get out i fell back in.
I sat still for awhile before, i hearded a voice coming out of the dark ally way, i took a peak and saw ludo. I was suprised to see him, but then i saw another figure around. I thought, i probably shouldnt try to attack, i looked down to my small fists. "Stupid small body".

Star P.O.V

As i walked into the room, i was suprised and yelled marcos name a couple of times, "hey marco you here?". "Well he walked out on me", i got my phone and called tom letting him know that marcos not here "WHAT!!", "yeah". "Ill fine him you just keep looking for a way to fix the spell".

Tom P.O.V

As I ended the call with star, and teleported to a dark ally way. As I got there I heard ludo voice, as it quitley faded away "I shouldn't worry about him right now instead-", as I past a dumster I swear I saw a kid poke out. "Wow", as I went over to the dumpster, I looked down to see a pissed kid. "Wow, look at you, can't even get out cause your too short", I swear I saw a blood vessel pop when I said that. I picked him up by the shirt seeing his pissed face. "Cute", I grabbed him under my arm and brang him home.

(1 hour later)

We said hi to star, as I went to take Marco to a bath so he could wash himself. As I dropped him off he still had a pissed look. "Your welcome, if u didn't run off in the first place you wouldnt have ended up in a dumpster".

Marco P.O.V

Getting a stare down with tom was tense the hight difference and the grin made me feel belittled. I looked down as I said quietly " thanks I guess, by the way don't you dare go in here while I'm in". He just smiled and put me in the bath. "Don't go through that door again", I saw him nodd as he left I took off my clothing and the bubbley water splash onto my skin. I closed my eyes as I said slowly "this is nice, Relaxing", "yeah it is" my eyes shoot right out as I saw tom completely naked in front of me and in the bath. "I just said-", "you said don't enter through that door again which I didn't". I took a sigh, "do you mind". "Nope", I felt my brain go into overload. As I was quickly washing my hair and body. "Awww your so small I just wanna-", before he finished he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer as he messed with my hair. "Hey!", I said trying to get him to let go. I saw his smile as he said "I'll wash your hair", he grabbed the soap out of my hands and started playing with my hair. ""If your Gonna wash it then-" "I am don't worry". He smiled as we stayed in the bath. I soon let my eyes close in a relaxing place, underestimating my body size and how long I can stay in warm water before collapsing from heat.

To be continued...

Tom x Marco *Fire burns brighter with Love* (Slow Updates!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora