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Marco P.O.V

As I stuttered to wake up I turn around and saw tom hugging me. I turn a shade of red and said "what are you do~", as I get huged tighter. I hear him say "I get grumpy when I dont get my sleep". I gave a look and turn back around "this sucks". I felt his warm hand ruffle my hair, as I started to blush.

Tom P.O.V

I started to play with the shinny brunette hair. I smiled as I squezzed him tighter. I hear him say "I..I cant breath". I giggled, and let lose a little. "Hey marco~", as he starts to turn around "wh..".
I kissed him on the lips "you....you..kissed me". As he cover his mouth.
"Yeah thats what you call it", as I grabed his arm and licked it. He started to heat up, and pulled away. He grabbed his arm and gave me a chop to the head. "Hey~"
"But we were just having fun"
He turned red as he gave me a stare.
I kiss him on the forehead, as I stood up grabing marco with me.
"Hey let go", he tries to kick me but I just dodged.
"Dont wanan make me mad marco"
I felt a cold shiver go up my spin, as he locked the door.
"What are you doing?"
He gave me a smile which freak me out even more.
"Well were gonna play a game"
I gave him a unsure look, as he pulled me to the bed, and we both sat down.
"What game are you wanting to play", I say nervously.
He looks at me with a grin and says "a game of luck".
I lifted a eye brow, as I then got tackle on the bed. "Hey"
He grabed my hands onto the bed, and came close to my face.
I turned red as I tryed to squire free, "this isnt funny".
He had a chill look "its not supposed to be funny". As he lock his finger with mine.
I look at all three of his eyes, and tryed to kick him in the (no..no..area).

Marco P.O.V

As I kick him.
Im not sure if it was lucky or not that I got lose. As I saw him get mad and flames started to appear. "Star..." I slowly cried out.
"Im in to deep...", as I step back a couple steps.
"What do I do...", as I look around I found my water bottle and sprayed it on him.


Which didnt work.

Tom P.O.V

As I got splashed with water on me, it made my anger stick out even more. I looked into his eyes as he suddenly gave me a warm hug. Im supprised...I didn't think he would do that. As I calmed down, he asked "you okay now?".
I noded my head still in shock, as I gave him a hug back.
I smiled as I set my head on his shoulder.

Marco P.O.V

That was close, as I felt his hair against my face as he set his head on my shoulder. I blushed a little and then got back to normal.
"Well...". As I see him get eye to eye with me he says.
"Maybe I should stay here".
"If I dont ill burn your house down so you'll stay with me", as he had a bright fire emerge from his hand.
I take a deep breath and say "fine". I thought, man what a pain. As I looked back up at him and saw him smiling, I looked down and gave a small smile.


To be continued...

Tom x Marco *Fire burns brighter with Love* (Slow Updates!)Where stories live. Discover now