Discovery (edited)

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It was the morning of Aqua's sixteenth birthday, she jumped out of bed and got dressed for the day. Then she noticed the necklace sitting on her nightstand and remembered the previous day's adventure. She put the necklace on around her neck and headed out the door to eat breakfast.

      Aqua entered the plane's kitchen to eat her normal cereal she had every morning, but instead of the kitchen being deserted like it usually was Fitz and Simmons were in the kitchen fixing chocolate chip pancakes, her favorite. As she came in the room Fitz and Simmons turned around and said "Happy birthday!" "Thanks guys," Aqua said as they came and gave her hugs.

     "Any plans?" Simmons asked her. "Not really, I just mostly wanted to just hang with my friends today," Aqua replied. "Well to start your day off we made you pancakes," said Fitz as he passed her a plate that had two pancakes on it and lots of syrup. "Thank you," she said and started to dig in.

     After breakfast Aqua headed to see Skye, who was in her room on her laptop as usual. Aqua walked into the room and Skye looked up to see her. A big smile spread across Skye's face and she wished Aqua a happy birthday. "So any plans?" She asked eager to hear what she was doing on her special day, but Aqua was mindlessly fiddling with her necklace. "Aqua?" Skye asked, now a little concerned.

What Skye didn't know was that Aqua was seeing all the things that had happened to her when she was a baby. She saw Thor reading her a story and her mother trying to protect her from a person in armor. Then she saw her mother get stabbed by the armored person and let out a small cry as she watched her die in her father's arms. Finally she watched as her dad brought her out of Asgard and to Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. to keep her safe.

Aqua shook her had as if waking from a dream, she looked as Skye who was looking at her thinking she was crazy. "What just happened?" Skye asked her. "I... just saw what really happened to me when I was a baby. Thor is my dad and Jane is my mom, and my mom she... she died trying to save me," Aqua told Skye, her voice trembling. Skye went over to Aqua and gave her a hug, "I'm sorry, it's never easy hearing about your past. I should know."

    Aqua let go of Skye and told her she was going to talk to Coulson. She walked back down the hallways that seemed to take forever, but only a few moments passed before she was in front of Coulson's office. She heard Coulson talking to May and decided to walk in on them. "Sorry to bother you," Aqua said addressing Coulson. "But I need to talk to you, it's important." "We will finish up our conversation later," Coulson said to May. With that being said May left the room leaving Aqua to talk to Coulson.

Aqua didn't know how to start so she decided to be blunt. "I know all the secrets you've been keeping from me." Coulson looked both dazed and shocked, how did she know about her past? Coulson thought she might be talking about something else so he played dumb. "What secrets?" "All the ones that involve this," Aqua pulled out her necklace that was hanging around her neck into sight. Coulson looked at the necklace, immediately memories started flooding back into his mind. "How did you find that?" He asked her. "Remember how I told you I had dreams about it, well one of the dreams lead me straight to it," Aqua lied to him only to keep Skye from getting into trouble. "I'm sorry I lied to you," Coulson started, "but your father wanted me to keep you safe and erasing you from everything has kept you safe so far." He watched her facial expression change from anger to sadness, he knew this must be hard to hear. "Is my father ever going to see me?" Coulson didn't want to lie to her again so he decided it was best to level with her. "He didn't say when he would come to get you, but now that you know about everything you might see him sooner than you think.

Coulson watched her walk out of his office and down the hall. Aqua went to her room and laid in bed crying. Did her father even care about her or was she left to fend for herself? So far Aqua's birthday was off to a rotten start, but hopefully it will get better.

Aqua Daughter of Thor Book 1(Completed)(Unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें