Funnest Sunday Ever

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Hey guys, it's Yo Gurl Kari here and yesterday was the funnest Sunday ever.

So as almost every fangirl or fanboy knows that there's a tour called DigiTour Slaybells happening this month. Yesterday, there was a show in Baltimore and I went...

Yes, I went and I had VIP tickets which meant I got a meet and greet. I got to meet 5quad, Dylan Dauzat, Dyllan Murray and Rebecca Black.

Unexpectedly, Bryce (Woahitsbryce) and Mark (Duhitzmarkk) made an appearance there too. No, they are not on the tour they just came for the show. I met Bryce and he even more handsome in person😍 Unfortunately, I did not get to meet Mark I only saw him from a far.

Rudan said he liked my hair and I will never forget. I almost kissed Rebecca Black on accident. And I was swaying with someone I forgot. It happened to quick.

The performances were amazing. Dylan's dancers are cute af. Rebecca's performance was stunning. Alyssa Shouse was beautiful. 5quad was funny through the whole thing.

I they my iPod up on stage so they could just take a picture on that, but instead Nick picked it up and headed it back to me. I wanted a pic so bad.

I made eye contact with every one and OMG I FORGOT.

Jordan Tugrul was there! I wanted to take a picture with him, but I didn't have anyone to take the picture.

This one girl said she hates Baltimore because ONE MOTHER YELLED AT HER... Just because ONE MOTHER yelled at you doesn't mean that everyone like that in Baltimore is like that. I was so offended because I'm from Baltimore. I was about to swing, but God told me not to, so I didn't😤💨

Overall, yesterday was the best day ever. My first ever meet and greet and I got two Dyllan Murray CD's with bother of them signed. I found one on the floor and I was gonna give one to my 'friend', but nahh.

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