Kids POV

I heard Soul screaming my name through the door and then silence as i continued to play with my new friend. THEIR words were engraved into my mind and were replaying over and over.

Suddenly the blade slipped from my hand and clattered to the floor. Oh no! Did Soul hear.

The banging on the door started up again. I stared at the blade and the small droplets of blood that were falling from my arms, legs and chest. I slowly reached for the blade to continue.

" Kid please open the door!"

I ignored him and continued to play.

Souls POV

I grabbed my phone, i needed help, but who should i call? Definatly not Blackstar. Maybe not liz and patty, Maka? Shes too blunt. Tsubaki? Shes calm and reasonable, ill call her.



"Its me Soul"

"Oh hello Soul! How are you!"

" ok, i need your help, can you come yo Kids place now"

"Why? Whats happened?"

"Ill explain when you get here and olease cone alone"

She seemed to understand and said she'd be here as quick as possible.

I carried on trying to break the door. It was getting slightly easier over time as the spell was wearing off.  I heard the front door open signalling Tsubaki was here.

She came over to the door.

"Is Kid in there?" She asked. I nodded and continued to break the door, i finally got it opened and we ran in to Kid.

He was sitting on the floor with a sharp blade inhand ready to cut. His arms, legs and chest were covered in blood and cuts. I ran to and tried to tale the blade.

"Kid... Kid?!"

He didnt respond on stared blankly at me. Tsubaki came and knelt beside him. She rested her hand on her shoulder, Kid flinched but Tsubaki ignored it, she spoke quietly and gently, as if to a child.

"Hey Kid, are you alright?"

He turned to look at her.

"We are going to help you okay?"

He loosed his grip on the blade and i gently took it from him. His eyes filled with tears, as he looked at Tsubaki.

"Will you come with me and Soul to clean you up?"

He hesitently nodded as Tsubaki stood up and helped him up. I went ahead to get the first aid kit and they followed behind.

Tsubaki prepared the kit and i lifted Kid onto the counter again. He held my hand tightly as Tsubaki carefully cleaned his wounds.

Kid started to sob when she had finished so i hugged him until he had calmed down.
He turned to Tsubaki.

"I-i thought you h-hated me"

She looked shocked, then she pulled him into a hug.

"I could never hate you, your one of my closest friends, what gave you that idea!?"

"You guys a-always ignored me"

She held him tighter.

"Im so sorry we made you feel that way."

Kid hugged back. I smiled and pit away the kit. We all sat on the couch. Kid between us with him leaning on my shoulder.

"Kid?" Tsubaki asked.

He looked over.

"If its okay with you, do you mind telling me whats happened?"

He looked away for awhile but Tsubaki waited patiently, i knew she was the roght person to call.

Kid looked back at her.

"Ikuto, Dare and Taku, constandly b-bullied me. The day Soul went after me was ... was when ... they..."

He couldnt continued as he burst into trying to replay what had happened to him.

I held him close and whispered comforting words into his hair.

"Would you like me to tell her, Kid?" I asked.

He nodded into my chest.  While i told Tsubaki what had happened. When j had finished she looked shocked and sad.

"Kid... I never knew, i could tell something was up but i couldnt work it out... Im so sorry"

Kid looked at her and gave her a small smile.

" i-its okay"

Tsubaki smiled gently and we deiced to have a sleepover since it was late and i put on Big Hero 6, i knew how much Kid loved Disney movies. About halfway throught the movie Kid fell asleep, cuddling into my chest. Which i found adorable! I felt heat rising to my cheeks as i stared at Kid.

I blushed and tried to hide it as Tsubaki was here but she saw.

She gasped. " oh my gosh you like Kid!!"

I turned away. " n-n-no what are y-you talking about?"

She squealed quietly as Kid was sleeping. I hushed her. She giggled and went back to the movie.



Sorry i havent been updating in awhile. I have been sooooooo busy.

Anyway i wanted to thank

For voting and commenting on my story ot means alot and you guys deserve a shout-out. (Is that what you would call this???)



I know i have been slow to update but i PROMISE, GUIDES HONOUR,  that i will update as much as i can when i can.

I am soo glad people actually like my story. Thanks again!!! 😊😊😊😊😊

Alice xx

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