Part 14- The eyes

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"Stop playing," I said looking down, adjusting the bundle of clothes in my hands and blinking rapidly a few times, while I headed to the bathroom, hoping that when I lifted my head, they would look normal. Please be normal. 

He got up and followed me to his bathroom. "I was just thinking I would need some clothes for know walk of shame and all. " I said trying to make small talk. The auto sensor flipped on the lights and I was nearly blinded. I squeezed my eyes closed tight. So obviously blinking didn't help. I tried peeking through my eyelashes but the light was excruciating.

"Noel, I need a few minutes. I think I may have overdone it drinking last night. Can you give me a few minutes. I feel a little queasy, " I asked leaning on the sink. He took my clothes and neatly placed them on the counter.

"Lights override. Turn Off," He commanded the system.

"Sure let me get you a t-shirt." He left and returned a few moments later with a t-shirt and a pair of socks. He placed them on the counter next to my clothes.

"I will make you that tea I promised. Be back in a few minutes," His kissed my cheek before leaving the bathroom and pulling the door shut.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my frazzled reflection in the mirror. He was right, they were glowing just as Noel said. They looked the color of liquid gold and looked suspiciously catlike. I waved my hand to click the lock on the door. I needed to get moving. Putting on the t-shirt, washing my face and brushing my teeth quickly. I decided I would need more than the five minutes it would take him to make the tea. I concentrated hard on the gourmet stove and blew out the pilot light. I figured it would take him at least 10 minutes to get it lit. I hope I get the answers I needed quickly. I only bought myself about 15 minutes.  

Standing in the middle of the bathroom I slipped on the socks he left me and visualized the agency in my mind. Specifically the lab where I knew Caterina or Lance would be able to help me. I have not seen or spoken to her in about a year and a half or was it two. They monitor us by the chip embedded in our skin in our wrist. All of the office buildings that use Temps are outfitted with security scanners which also send our bios every time we pass through them.

I arrived safely in the lab. It was early so the lights were out and no one was here. I did not want to chance coming through the main lobby. They would have made a big thing about protocols. And seeing the way I was dressed, trust me, it was better this way. The lab was cold. I did not have time to look around.

I knew before I opened my eyes, Caterina was just arriving. She came into the lab early on the weekends so she could go home early. Lance would be here in about an hour. They were really a great team. Both graduating at the top of their classes and scooped up by Evolv before they had officially graduated.  

 To be continued...
© Venis Nytes  

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