(11) I Love You, 5

Start from the beginning

"Wait," I interjected, "you took my car?"

Brent smirked. "Yeah? That's what I just said isn't it? You left the keys in the ignition."

"It's because I thought nobody would take it," I said flatly.

"Yeah, but it's still unsafe."

I squinted. "I guess," I muttered dryly, drumming on my hips.

"Anyway, I took it and tried to find you," he continued, "but then I couldn't. So I just left it, and went on foot. By the time I came back, it was gone. So I took a car and went to your house, only to find you sleeping. I don't really remember anything after that..." he trailed off, head down.

"And this morning?" I prodded.

"I thought that since it was a new day, you'd come pick me up. You didn't. I stood there for hours, waiting. It hurt so much, Hailee. I started to cry uncontrollably. It was just then that I realized I was truly in love with you. I've been falling for you for a long time, and some little hope inside of me told me that you loved me too - but since you hadn't said anything, I didn't think so. I kept denying it to myself, thinking that if I did so, I'd keep our relationship normal. I reasoned that if I told you what I felt, that you'd stay. When I thought you left me, it was as if my heart was ripped out of me," he divulged, eyes closed.

I sat there, completely numb, mouth dry. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He'd loved me a long time? And all either of us had to do was say so and we'd be together?

"Hailee, talk to me please," Brent pleaded, shaking my shoulders.

"I'm - I'm here," I answered, still out of it.

I flinched at the feeling of a soft pressure on my lips, but quickly melted after I realized what was happening. Brent's kiss was soft, delicate, yet also so intoxicating. If I was standing, my knees would have started shaking. This was just something I did not expect to happen at all.

I broke away, resting my forehead on his. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for what I was about to say. "What are we going to do about being killed?"

"Simple. We just can't be together at night, so you can have some time with Meg and Alex. We will just text then," he planned, a grin flashing on his face every now and then.

I laughed, slapping his arm. "You know, you just indirectly kissed Alex twice," I jeered, trying to hold in loud guffaws.

He scowled darkly and looked away. "Don't remind me."

I smiled, loving his reaction. "Aw! You're too c-"

"Please. Don't. Say. That. Word," he grumbled, a scowl still on his face.

"What word? Cute? Brent, you're so cute!" I teased, grinning brightly.

He turned to me, the corners of his lips twitching. "Okay, I'll let that one slip. But just because I love you," he cooed, lightly rubbing my cheek.

I rolled my eyes. "All right, don't smother me now," I said sarcastically.

He smiled, lightly shoving me playfully. "You were never one for PDA," he admitted.

"Exactly," I agreed.

"Aren't you curious as to how I know Alex?" Brent asked slowly.

"Do I want to know?" I countered.

Nodding, he sighed. "You remember how we used to go to Ivellise's house all the time? Well he's -"

"Her brother I know," I interrupted.

He scowled in a teasing manner. "Let me talk, babe. Well yes, he's her brother. And since I really didn't have a dad growing up until my mom married Steve. One time, we were at Ivellise's house, and Alex stopped me, asking me your name..." he trailed off seeing my blush. He suddenly shook his head quickly, and continued. "After I told him, we got somewhat close. He started teaching me how to use self defense, and he grew to be my best guy friend. It crushed me when he went to college. I never saw him again." He looked me in the eyes the whole time, and I could almost imagine everything he was saying.

"Oh," was all I could say. Brent snorted, and I pushed off the car.

"Well what do you want to do today?" Brent questioned, grabbing my small and petite hand in his large and muscular one.

I grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Another Brent and Hailee day? It's been forever."

He scoffed, reaching up to muss up my hair. "We haven't missed a day darling."

I thought about it. "It was only yesterday we fought, wasn't it?" I asked thoughtfully. Then, I realized he called me darling, and my cheeks warmed. He watched my realization in amusement, a genuine smile on his face.

"I have some swimming in mind," he commented.

I rolled my eyes. "It's only because you wanna see me in a bikini," I teased.

"Hailee, you seem to forget that we bathed together one time when we were little," he reminded me, winking.

"What! No - I... really?" I stammered.

"Yeah," he assured me, looking as if he was about to die of holding in laughter.

"Oh, well then I guess," I muttered dryly, morbidly embarrassed.

"So, what do ya say? Water Park? We can invite Alex and that red-haired chick that looks an awful lot like your mom," he offered, tapping my chin.

"I say yes," I agreed, grinning.

Today was going to be a good day.  


hey guys. Yes, I know this chapter is somewhat short. :P but I'm really tired haha :) and I owed you guys a chapter.  

So VOTE/COMMENT/FAN (like, tweet, and +1 haha) 

Song of the day is: "I Love You 5" by NeverShoutNever <3 

till next time guys! xoxo

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