Chapter 2: rush hour

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"good morning harry! We're gonna start this beautiful day wit-" "shut the f*ck up kendall, im still mad at you" "WHAT? H just move on from last night! Ughh". Im searching for some breakfast in the kitchen and I found, CARAMELL WAFFLES! wow thats my favorite one. "OMG! waffles waffles! *take the waffles from the pan*". "Dont eat that kendall" "whoo??*eating* this is delicious Ughh" "eww".

its 10am in the morning and we (harry and kendall) still cant move from their laziness Sunday morning. kendall turns on the TV "H where are u going today?" "Ha today? idk, im just to lazy to go out but i need to buy food" "ughh u such a lazy person" "aww thanks kendall for the lovely comment *smile widely*" "stop smiling harry *cover harrys face*" "B*TCH I CANT BREATHE" "HAHAHAHAHAHA LOL". i walk to the fridge to check some food, and theres no food! And i started to remembering something. "HARRY!!" "Yeea?" "TONIGHT TTTTOONIGHT" "what? What happen tonight? OMG". me and harry forgot that we are inviting some people for tonight dinner! "kendall let me just *change clothes* yupp lets go!" "Whatt?? I don't even change my shoes" "I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR SHOES CMON LETS GO!"

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