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I am admitting for actually the first time in a really long time to you that I am in fact, Bi-sexual. I always knew from when I was in middle school that I was attracted to both boys and girls but back when I was that age, I thought that it was looked down on as disgusting and inhumane and it was an act against religion which for me up until I moved to L.A was a massive influence on my life. Being Bi was something I always kept hidden away like a dirty secret until I dated J.C and it was after him and I broke up that I knew that I was Bi. It was at that point I finally was ready to be who I was as a person which links into meeting and kissing him under the mistletoe as for me, it was the first time in a really long time that I had kissed a guy other than J.C and honestly this kiss felt a lot different. And as weird as that sounds, I actually felt a lot different after this kiss and to be honest, the feeling that I felt with him still shakes me to my core as I think about it today and to be honest, I still don't understand it.

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