"You know I just had a conversation like this with Raiza the other day." Viviana's voice floated into the clearing interrupting Aspen. "I must say I really don't understand all the speculation if you want to know something Andrea just ask. There was only one thing I kept from you but with that out I am an open book."

I knew from the tone of her voice Viviana was up to no good. The playful tone was back and anything she said would only stir up more trouble. Cursing Viviana I debated whether or not I should step out and shut the conversation down but if I did it would only look more suspicious to Andrea and company. I didn't want Andrea to think there was anything truly between Viviana and me maybe this would be the perfect chance for this topic to be settled once and for all?

"Well tell her you haven't slept with Kye." Aspen said.

"I'm sorry Aspen darling I can't do that, it would be a lie. Kye and I have shared a bed together more than once in fact. You know she kind of gives off this tough exterior but she really is quite docile." Viviana said.

Rage ripped through me and fur erupted along my arms. Why did Viviana have to try and make it sound worse than it were. I had sex with her once, and it would never have happened if she hadn't used a vampire as a supplement for a rookie.The only other times we shared a bed we both just slept but of course she wasn't going to mention that.

"Wait, you mean there actually is something between you and Kye? How can that be she is completely head over heels in love with-"

Viviana's laugh drowned out the rest of Aspen's sentence. "Kye, in love? Really darling are we talking about the same person. Kye doesn't trust anyone enough to fall in love with them. Haven't you noticed? That is why she seems so distant since she returned it's not that she dislikes any of you, hell I sure she would love to get to know you better the problem is she doesn't trust you."

My nails dug into the bark of the tree behind me. Viviana wasn't lying but she was making it seem like I had no heart.

"Why wouldn't she trust us!" Andrea demanded. "We're her pack, her family."

"No. You're Kylie's pack, Kylie's family. She may have Kylie's memories now but Kylie is dead. That is a distinction everyone here hasn't seemed to understand. Tell me what do you know about Kye? How many towns has she lived in since her father joined the arm? Does she still keep in touch with any of her human or supernatural friends from across the country? Who was the first girl she kissed? Has she ever been drunk? Tell me Andrea can you answer any of those questions because I can."

"Are you admitting to being in a relationship with her?" Matthias asked.

Viviana's laugh filled the forest and my teeth clenched. Damn harpy was stirring up more trouble than I expected.

"Please, she was a child for most of our relationship. It was only recently I got her in my bed anyway. No the relationship between me and Kye is not a romantic one, never has been never will be."

"Than what exactly is between the two of you?"

"Pain, suffering, darkness, death, trust, care, and a deep understanding of the other. When we met each other we were both broken, now we are both a little less broken but the bond that was forged between us when we first met will never go away. That's why I think it will still be best if I take Kye with me once this poltergeist issue is dealt with."

"We are not letting you take Kye!" Andrea growled out.

"Andrea, I'm afraid I've already taken her."

"She doesn't belong to you yet, and I'll make sure it stays that way."


I skipped dinner instead I curled up on the couch in the Rec room that was blessedly empty for the night. The large screen tv was set to some crime show and for the first time in weeks I was relaxed. At least I was until the door to the Rec room opened and Andrea walked in.

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