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"God damn it." Dean cursed running a hand through his hair angrily.

Dean pulled out his phone.

"Hey Benny. I need you to do something for me." Dean said.

"Yeah anything." Benny said.

"Come meet me and we'll talk about it." Dean said wearily.

Benny met Dean in record time." Hey what's up?" Benny asked.

"I need a really big favor and I'm not sure your going to like it." Dean said.

"You need me to go to purgatory don't you?"

Dean nodded looking away.

"I'll do it. I need a break from all this." Benny told him motioning to everything around him.

"Once you get back. I owe you." Dean promises.

Dean pulls his friend in for a bro hug before cutting off his head.


"I know. I know. I should have looked for my brother." Sam said as he slashed down a monster.

"Your damn right." Bobby agreed.

Bobby was about to strike down another monster when Sam stopped him.

"Benny?" He questioned.

"Your brother asked me to come get you out." He explained." I'll lead the way."

Bobby looked at him questioningly but followed after. After trekking for a while Benny pointed towards a portal. Sam looked to him after absorbing Bobby's soul into his arm.

"I'm not going back Sam. I don't fit in in that world." Benny explained.

Benny ran off seeing a group of vampires coming. Looking back one last time he saw Benny in a pile of vampires.

Dean pulled his brother in for a hug." Purgatory right? A real garden spot ain't it?"

"Did you get them?" Dean asked.

"Just Bobby. Benny, he stayed back. Said he wasn't meant for this new world." Sam told his brother looking to the ground.

Dean nodded looking away." Let's put Bobby where he belongs."

Sam pulled up his sleeve to reveal Bobby's soul. Sam whispered the incantation as he cut his arm. Bobby's soul flew up glowing blue and purple before it turned black heading back towards us.

"What the hell."

"Hello boys." Crowely greeted." Bobby singer. If know you anywhere. "

"Let him go Bobby." Dean demanded." He doesn't belong in hell."

"He does if I say he does. Bobby has caused untold damage on my kind. So I said heavens to good for him." Crowely stated.

The boys advanced on Crowely angry.

"Really." He asked before throwing them back.

Both boys were pinned to a tree. They grunted trying to escape. Bobby's soul descended back down but stopped.

"What the?"

Crowley's eyes landed on Naomi's.

"Oh come on." Crowely yelled.

"Let me see if I've interpreted this correctly. The Winchesters have released an innocent soul from hell which you are wrongfully trying to return it to."

"You don't know them. By the time their down we'll all be locked away." Crowely reasoned.

"I just hope they lock you away." Naomi stated.

The boys feel from the tree as Naomi pointed to them. Then she turned to the soul turning it back and letting it travel up to heaven.

"Told you you could trust me." Naomi said.

"What the hell was that about?" Sam asked.

"I'll tell you later." Dean said." Let's get this trail done. "

Sam pulled out a piece of paper reciting the words. When he finished Sam screamed out in pain as his hand glowed.

"What?" Dean asked worried.

"Its okay. I got it." Sam said.

Kevin and Alley

Kevin and Alley were painting more symbols into the windows.

"Aren't you getting tired of this? Hiding away." Crowley's voice called." I know I am. "

Alley jumped moving over to Kevin.

"It's a dream." Kevin stated for both of them.

There was a loud screeching as the windows burst. Alley wrapped her wings around Kevin shielding him from the glass.

"Kevin tran. Alley." Crowely sighed." It's been awhile. Thought you could allude me forever? No one way doesn't work find another. Dear mommy was very strong but not strong enough."

"She never would have given me up." Kevin said.

Alley pushed Kevin behind her.

"She did and then we got rid of her. Humans are such fleeting things."

"Leave him alone." Alley demanded.

"My dear you know I can't do that for I am forever."

Screams ripped out from the boat.

Time skip

"Kevin. Alley it's us." Dean said walking into the boat.

Looking around they found no sign of either of them.

"I knew it. Kevin finally freaked and took off with Alley."

"But where?" Sam asked.

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