Crumbling Down

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"I can barely see. I need to eat." Kevin said closing his books.

Dean nodded taking a swig of beer.

"Ribs, mashed potatoes." Sam listed.

"Garlic mashed potatoes." Kevin corrected.

"Garlic mashed potatoes, mixed greens with baby lettuce, corn bread and pantai." Sam finished.

"Garth said there's a good place on the other side of town." Kevin told them.

"What the hell kids been working hard." Dean said walking out.

Kevin closed the door before locking it.

Sam and Dean

"Remember that time dad took us on that pack mule ride at the bottom of the canyon and your mule kept farting?" Sam asked covering his eyes.

Dean looked around embarrassed and disturbed." Dude you were four years old. I barley remember that."

Sam laughed." You rode a farty donkey. " Sam said laughing again.

"I'm going to check out the museum." Dean told Sam.

"I'm going to go follow the manger. He's a creepy creepidy." Sam said sitting up.

"You are going to stay here and sleep."  Dean said.

"I can do that." Sam agreed laying back on the bed.

Back at Crowley's hideout

Alley screamed out in pain clutching her lower abdomen. Blood quickly seeped through her wounds.

"Someone call Crowely." A demon yelled running over to a chained Alley.

She screamed out again but much longer this time. Alley held her hand over the wound.

"Sir. Alley um I think she's dieing." A demon said over the phone.

"Good damn it. First Kevin now this." Crowely cursed.

Crowely appeared next to Alley who was bleeding out quickly. Crowely rested his hand on her forehead trying to heal her but nothing worked.

"I'll be right back let me go deal with that brat." Crowely yelled.

Crowely knocked the door across the room.

"Hey." Kevin greeted.

"So what was it that gave it away?" Crowely asked.

"Will first or was forgetting the secret knock and talking about Alley. But even on their best day Sam and Dean wouldn't drive out of their way to get me barbecue." Kevin explained.

"So my demons were to nice?" Crowely clarified.

Kevin nodded eating a fry.

"Call me a son of a whore." Crowely whispered.

"The power you could have had with this." Kevin taunted.

"I don't need you. I could kill you right now."

"We both know you won't." Kevin said.

Crowely I'm his anger wrapped his hand around Kevin's neck holding up on the wall.

"Sir she's not breathing." A demon yelled.

A bright light erupted from Kevin and he was gone.

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