Chapter8: Elle Why?

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Hotch comes into the office with Gideon close behind him. "What are you thinking Hotch?" Gideon asks.

"I'm thinking Reid and Morgan took their guns and badges and might be going after the unsub." Hotch states.

Gideon gives Hotch a look of total shock. "Why would Reid do that?" He asks.

"Morgan must have convinced him." Hotch answers and storms out of the building.

Gideon follows Hotch, knowing exactly where they are heading.

"Reid, we need to get a move on." Morgan states as he grabs a bag.

"Morgan we don't even know where we are going." Reid states as he walks out of the bathroom.

"That's when we start at her old house." Morgan states.

Reid just nods and follows Morgan to the SUV.

"By now Hotch might have noticed we took our stuff back, so if we get out of here right away, we can have an hour head start." Morgan states. "Did you make sure we grabbed everything needed?" Reid nods and goes to pick up his go bag but Morgan stops him. "Hold on." Morgan states as he looks into the bag.

"I dont have anymore Dilaudid." Reid mumbles as he shoves his hands into his pants pockets.

"That you dont." Morgan states while nodding. "You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah..." Reid answers and quickly walks out the door.

Morgan watches as Reid high tails it out of the room and outside to the SUV. He mumbles something under his breathe and picks up Reids bag then walks out.

When he gets to the SUV and throws everything in the back seat. He slips into the drivers seat and looks over at Reid, who is sitting there quietly looking down at his fingers. "Kid."

Reid looks up at Morgan. "Hmm?"

"We can't do this if your heart isn't in it." Morgan states, looking at Reid.

"I know. I can do this." Reid states and looks out the window to end the conversation.

"Okay." Morgan starts the car and drives away from the cabin.

Hotch and Gideon finally make it up to the cabin. "Morgan's truck isn't here." Gideon states.

"Check inside." Hotch orders as he grabs his gun. Gideon nods and follows Hotch.

They walk in to see the place is cleaned up. "Well it's cleaner then I could get it." Gideon states as he goes into the hall way. "Not here." He states.

"No where around here either." Hotch states and looks at his cell phone.

"Hotch!" Gideon calls out from the bathroom. Hotch runs in and sees Gideon looking at a broken siringe needle. "You don't think..."

"We can't be sure." Hotch states. "I'll call the hospital and see if they have anyone in there for drug related." He says as he walks away.

"If that were to happen Morgan would call you." Gideon states.

"Not unless he thought I would separate them." Hotch points out and then speak into the phone. "Yes hello, this is Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, I am calling in to see if you have recieved or treated anyone for a Dilaudid usage?" The nurse looks through some recent papers.

"What's the name sir?" She asks.

"Uh Spencer Reid." Hotch answers.

"No we do not have anyone of that name come in recently, except that one day." The nurse explains.

Umm...No (MorganxReid)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang