Chapter1: The Answer is No

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"Briefing room now!" Hotch growls out as he storms into the BAU.

Morgan looks over at Reid. "What's got his goat?" He asks.

"How should I know?" Reid asks as he stands up.

"You know everything." Morgan states.

"Actually it's impossible to know everything and still have a brain that is still working. Your brain would shut down." He explains and is about to continue till Morgan stops him.

"Okay, I get it." Morgan states as he walks with Reid to the briefing room.

"Sit." Hotch orders everyone. They sit and wait for Hotch to continue. "We've been targeted." He states as he hands everyone files.

"Targeted?" Gideon asks as he opens the file.

"Someone contacted me last night, saying he has been watching the team." Hotch explains.

"What?" Morgan asks.

"The one that is targeting us ha-"

"No I got that, I mean what as in seriously." Morgan interrupts Reid.

"Right..." Reid mumbles and looks down at his hands. Morgan's heart sinks when he sees Reid like that. He is about to say something else but Hotch begins again.

"I dont want any of you being alone anymore. For now one you are all assigned to guards." Hotch states.

"Body guards?" Reid asks, looking up at Hotch.

"Yes." Hotch answers.

"Hotch, we are FBI agents, we can handle ourselves." Emily states.

"I'm not having a repeat of Reids abduction or anyone else getting hurt." Hotch growls. At that Reid looks away.

Again, Morgan wants to say something but Gideon, this time, interrupts. "Or maybe we could all stick together and do our jobs?" He asks.

"I have a bad feeling about this unsub." He states. "We lay low and no cases." He orders.

"Then what?" Emily asks. "We sit around and watch others need our help but we can't offer it?" Emily also asks.

"For now. But do not intimidate this person. Do not search for him or her." Hotch orders. He then looks to everyone. "Body guards or safe house which one?" He asks.

Everyone looks at one another. Reid is the one to speak. "Well technically speaking, if we were to go with the whole group this for safe house, either the person will find the people we care about use them against us to find us." He explains. "And if we were to go with the body guards I think it would be a bad choice because maybe the unsub is who we are hiding from." Reid adds. Everyone waits for him to continue. "Basically, if we continue on with our lives, dismissing the threat, he or she will most likely come out of hiding and slip up out of irritation of being ignored." He finishes.

Everyone looks up at Hotch, waiting for him to respond but he is speechless.

"The kid has a point Hotch." Morgan states.

"Actually I have many points but you get my drift." Reid mumbles looking through the file again.

"Yeah, like pretty boy said." Morgan comments again.

"Hotch, we can't just stop doing our jobs." Garcia states.

"I agree." Emily inputs her opinion.

Hotch takes a moment, thinks this over but then shakes his head. "what do you suggest we do then Reid?" He asks, waiting for an answer.

Reid thinks about it for a minute and then shrugs his shoulders. "I dont have plans." He states.

"I do." Morgan jumps in to help Reid. "Reid will stick with me. Garcia with Emily and JJ. You and Gideon can stick together." He suggests.

Reid quickly turns to look at Morgan confused.

Hotch looks around at the team, "No." He answers. "If we are doing this, then Reid you stay close to Gideon. Emily, Garcia, and JJ you three stick together." He is interrupted by the three girls high fiving, calling out slumber party. Hotch clears his throat and grabs their full attention again. "Morgan, you are with me." He finishes.

"So what are we suppose to do?" Reid asks.

"Come on kid." Gideon starts, "You are staying at my place for a bit." He finishes as Reid follows Gideon out of the room.

The girls go to go home and grab their things, agreeing that they are staying at Garcia ' s place.

"Morgan, you are coming to my place." Hotch states.

"Wow, no offense or anything, but I don't find this fair." Morgan protests.

"Is there something going on with you and Reid?" Hotch asks, in response.

"What?" Morgan asks.

"Are you two together?" Hotch asks, seriously.

"No way." Morgan answers. "I'm a ladies man, not a boy genius man." He adds, leaving the room.

"Just asking." Hotch states as he follows Morgan out of the room.

"Why does everyone ask that?" Morgan asks.

With Reid and Gideon, they are at Reids apartment, gathering up a few things for his stay at Gideons.

"So what's the deal with you and Morgan?" He asks as he grabs a few books for Reid, watching as Reid gathers some clothes.

"What do you mean?" Reid asks as he examines a button down gray shirt.

"Are you two dating?" Gideon asks as he walks into the bedroom and placed the books in Reids bag.

"Umm...No." Reid answers with confusion. "Why why would you ask that?" He asks and stuff the shirt in the bag anyways.

"The way he acts around you." Gideon answers and hands Reid one pair of pants.

"I think that's just Morgan being Morgan. See I've noticed that the longer we spend time with the team on jobs Morgan is the one that becomes most protective, it's kind of like a natural alpha reaction or such." He babbles on.

"So are you saying Morgan is the dominate one in the relationship?" Gideon asks.

"Basically." Reid answers but realizes what he just answered too and face palms, making Gideon laugh. "Gideon..." He shakes his head and grabs the bag.

"So you are dating?" Gideon asks, teasingly.

"No, we are not dating." Reid answers seriously. "In all honesty, Morgan is really a ladies man who actually will say that he has nothing against homosexuals but is not one himself. He is fine with them but not if he were to be the one they would try to hit on. For example, " Gideon sighs as he leads Reid down the stairs. "When I said Morgan is the alpha, if he were gay he would try to find someone with feminine like looks or someone who is not a dominate, basically a submissive." Reid continues to babble on as they get to the car.

"Kid." Gideon stops him, gaining his full attention. "Stop denying." He jokes and laughs as soon as he closes Reids door.

"Wait what?" Reid asks, confused. But Gideon just keeps laughing as he keeps asking and drives to his place.

With the girls, they just arrive at Garcia's. "Have you guys noticed how Morgan quickly volunteered to partner with Reid?" Garcia asks.

"Yeah, I did." Prentiss states.

"Maybe he is Just being a Good friend." JJ suggests.

"Um no, Reid and Morgan don't get along." Garcia states. "So if anything, my boys are a couple." She giggles.

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