Chapter2: Caught In the Act

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The next day, the teams arrive at work with the people they were assigned to stay with. But For some odd reason, Gideon and Spencer were late.

Morgan couldn't help but feel nervous, he starts pacing, tapping his desk, he even catches himself looking up at the clock here and there.

"Someone really wants to see Reid." Garcia jokes to Prentiss and JJ.

"How do you know they are a couple?" Prentiss asks in a whisper.

"I know things, like I knew about you and JJ." She answers, still watching the nervous Derek Morgan.

"Well JJ and I weren't hiding it, so it was obvious." Prentiss points out to Garcia.

"Yeah and the more they hide it the more I'm right." Garcia states as she notices the two late birds. "There he is!" She calls out and waddles up to her boy genius. "Oh where were you?" She asks stearnly. "You are never late." She states as she wags a finger at the young profiler.

"Gideon and I were up at his Cabin, so it was a long drive here. He figured it be safer there then his house or my apartment." Reid explains, sounding tired. "And to be honest I actually have to agree. See no one really knows where the cabin is except those who have been there with Gideons permission, so we are hiding in plain site." He explains and heads to his desk. "Why? Were you worried?" He asks.

"Yes but I think someone else was even more worried." Garcia whispers and points to Morgan.

Reid looks over at Morgan and notices how he everts his eyes right away. Reid looks back at Garcia. "So?" He asks.

"Are you two-"

"No!" Reid snaps, earning everyones attention, even Hotch's. "And if anyone asks that again then...ugh!" Reid storms out of the office, into the hall. Morgan is quickly on his feet and following Reid.

"Oh they are so into each other." Garcia whispers to everyone else, earning slight. Chuckles and eye rolls.

Morgan follows Reid and finds himself at the door of the mens bathroom. He inhales then sighs before walking in. "Reid, what was that abou-"

"Will you Just stop following me?!" Reid shouts as he keeps his focus on the sink.

Morgan freezes, he is not use to Reid snapping at every thing or everyone in that matter.

"Wow pretty boy, you need to calm down." He states.

"Stop calling me that alright." Reid orders and splashes water on his face.

"What is going on with you?" Morgan asks as he shuts the door behind him, blocking Reids exit.

"I'm sick and tired of all the 'are you and Morgan dating?' Crap.'' Reid answers. "Just stop trying to be nicer to me and treat me like you use too." He spits, shoving his way pass Morgan.

Morgan stood there shocked, and unknowi of what to do next.

"Reid, is everything okay?" Prentiss asks, as she witnesses Reid storming back in.

He doesn't answer, but instead grabs his bag and heads into the other office room.

"I didn't mean to upset him." Garcia mumbles, I was playing around.

"Nah mama I think there's something else going on." Morgan states as he walks in the room.

"What do you mean?" Prentiss asks.

"He's on edge, he's easily pissed off, and he is skinnier than he use to be." Morgan explains.

Garcia immediatelly grabs Morgan by the arm and drags him into her office and closes the door. "You better not be saying what I think you are saying about our baby boy." She growls and wags her finger in his face.

"What do you think I am saying?" He asks her calmly.

"He's not on drugs again if that is what you are suggesting." She snaps.

"Baby girl, it's gotta be that." He whispers and sits her down.

"Nope no nope no." She denies and tries to block Morgan out.

"I can't say for sure but that's what I am seeing." He states.

"Before you say anything to anyone else, you better see proof." She growls and storms towards the door. She pulls it open, turns back to Morgan, and glares. "You may be my chocolate god man but don't ever accuse my genius baby boy of anything as gross as that before you see proof." She storms out, everyone looks at Morgan confused and lost.

"Its nothing, just a misunderstanding." Morgan explains as he walks over to the other office that Reid is in.

Morgan knocks on the door before entering and as he walks in he sees Reid is no longer in there. He turns to the others. "Where is Reid?" He asks.

"Bathroom." JJ answers. Morgan thanks her and quickly but not obvious speed.

He gets to the bathroom and knocks. "Reid, you in there?" He asks. He is about to walk away until he heard something crash onto the floor. "Reid?!" He slams the door open and sees a closed stall. He quickly kicks in the stall and finds Reid on the floor, needle broken on the floor, and a bottle of clear liquid. "Shit!" He mumbles to himself and rushes over to Reid. "Reid?!" He kneels down and pulls Reid into his arm. "Hey Reid?!" He gently slaps Reid on the cheek, trying to make him look at him. It was no use, Reid was high and wasn't coming down. "I NEED AN AMBULANCE!!!!!!" He screams out, gaining the attention of everyone in the building floor.

Hotch and Gideon are the first at the scene then followed by the girls.

"Dont just stand there!" Morgan shouts. "Call an ambulance!" He shouts again.

Prentiss is the one that ends up picking up her phone and calling for an ambulance. "Yes, this is Special Agent Emily Prentiss..."

Gideon is immediatelly kneeling next to Reid and Morgan. He looks at the shattered needle and the clear liquid.

"The ambulance is on its way." Prentiss states as she kneels next to the Reid, Morgan, and Gideon. "Yeah, he's taken this needle drug and it's a clear liquid." She explains on the phone. "He uh, he's non-responsive." She adds.

"Reid! hey! Come on kid, open those eyes." Gideon pleads.

Shortly after, two pairimedics come rushing in, quickly taking Reid out of Morgan's arms, placing him on his side on a stretcher as they try to get him out of the building right away. "Gideon you are assigned to watch him, go and call us when he wakes up." Hotch orders.

"I'll go." Morgan states and heads out before Gideon and Hotch can say anything.

"Gideon?" Hotch asks.

"I'll follow in one of the SUV'S." Gideon heads out to follow them.

"What happens now?" Garcia asks.

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it." Hotch answers. "I just hope that the unsub targeting us isn't taking this to his or her advantage."

Umm...No (MorganxReid)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora