Chapter 1

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*picture of Mae is attached either above or off to the side*

Chapter 1

Mae's POV

"Mitchell!!!!!!!" I yelled his name from the top of the stairs.

"What?!" I think he was in the living room. I raced down the stairs until I saw him looking at me, quite irritated, while lying on the couch.

"Can you drive me to Tessa's house?" I jutted out my bottom lip and batted my eyelashes. It's Friday night and Tessa wanted me to come to a party with her. We met in kickboxing class when we were 6.

He took one good look at me before turning back to the TV. "No. Drive yourself."

"Dad took my car keys, remember."

"I don't give a fuck."

"Aw c'mon Mitch!! I'll do whatever you want!!"

"Whatever?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, just pleeeeease drive me to her house."

"Fine, but you'll have to do my math homework and my chores for the next two weeks."

"I'll do your homework for two nights and give you gas money." We stared each other down.

"Deal. I'll meet you in the car." He got up and went out the door while I went upstairs and grabbed my overnight bag. I put my brown curly hair in a messy bun before going in my sisters room.

"Mali?" She was sitting on the floor with barbies surrounding her. When she heard my voice, she turned towards me and a smile erupted on her face. She got up and ran towards me.

"Mae come pway wif me!!" She grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the middle of her room.

"Mal, not today. I gotta go, ok?" I watched as her face dropped.


"I'll be back tomorrow. I'll be back before you even notice I was gone."

"Ok." She gave me a kiss on the cheek before picking up a Barbie and leaving the room. "Mikey come pway wif me!!!" She screamed.

"Nooo! Not again!" They started running throughout the top floor as I went downstairs.

"Bye dad!!!"

"Bye Mae!!" I walked out the door and went into the car.

"Well it's about damn time. Gas money?" He held out his hand, and I placed a ten and a twenty in it. He grinned before pulling out of the driveway and heading towards Tessa's. She only lives like 10-15 minutes away. "So why were you so eager to get to Tessa's anyway?"

I stared toying around with one of the bracelets on my hand that my dad got me from Ireland. It's something I've noticed I do when I'm nervous or I'm about to lie. "We just wanted to spend some girl time together." I knew my face burned red. It does every single time I lie. I looked out the window to try and cover my cheeks.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with the party tonight, would it?" My face burned more.


"Good because I'm gonna be there. And it would be pretty weird to drink with my younger sister."

"I'm only younger by a year."

"Still younger." He pulled up outside of Tessa's house. "Well, get the fuck out." I rolled my eyes before getting out. As soon as I closed the door behind me, he sped off.

I ran up to Tess's front door, and before I could knock, I was pulled in. "Mae, you're late!! We only have like 2 hours to get ready." Tessa is like 5'2", brown eyes, curly brown hair with blonde highlights that goes down to her butt, curvy but still slim, and she's Dominican.

"Tess, I can get ready in like 5 minutes."

"Whatever. I'm gonna finish my hair and makeup, you jump in the shower." I didn't reply as I went straight to the bathroom.

-30 minutes later-

I exited the bathroom and went to Tess's room. She had on a black strapless top with a pink bow that covered her boobs, black leggings, and black and gold sandals. Her hair was straightened to perfection, winged eyeliner with pink lipstick, and a pink flower crown to top it all off.

My other best friend was sitting on the bed. Her name is Stephanie. She's 5'6" and really skinny, but has the perfect curvy figure. She has long natural Blonde hair with hazel eyes. She had on black skinny jeans with a red, spaghetti strap, flowy crop top with a long black cardigan over. She wore black heels and her long blonde hair was in waves down her back. Her makeup consisted of black eyeliner and mascara and red lip stick. Steph and I met in dance class when we were 5. I introduced Steph and Tess to each other when we were 7.

"Put these on." Tess handed me my navy blue lacy bra and a matching pair of blue lacy bottoms. I quickly slipped them on before dropping my towel.

I'd say I'm pretty confident in my body. My cup size is in the D's, my butt is pretty big, my stomach is mostly flat, I'm 5'3", and I have a small waist.

"Ok now sit down while I do your hair." Steph commanded. I did as she said and let her take over.

She ended up putting my hair into a crown braid waterfall. It's where my hair is in a crown braid, but some curls are purposely left out. It's really pretty.

I got up and tried to decide what to wear. In the end I ended up choosing a black tank top, Jean booty shorts, a red and black flannel tied over the shorts, and red chucks. Tessa made me put on mascara to 'make my fantastical green eyes pop.'

Yes I have green eyes. I get them from my dad. That and my freckles. My freckles are sprinkled across my cheek bones and nose. I guess you could say they're the 'perfect' freckles. I get my dimples from my mom. My moms Latino and my dads white, making perfect little mixed babies. We would've been the perfect family if the accident didn't happen.

"Alright, you ready?" Tess asked.

"Ready Freddy." I winked at her.

"Stooop. My name is Tessa." I rolled my eyes before we all went outside. Tess's boyfriend was waiting in his car outside her house.

His name is Cameron, but we call him Cam. He's a senior, but not at our school. At a school close by. They've been together for a little over a year now.

Tessa got in the passenger side as Steph and I got in the back. They greeted each other with a kiss before he turned back and looked at me. "Hi Mae, hi Steph.

"Hey Cam." Steph waved.

I rolled my eyes before saying "Cameron." He laughed and rolled his eyes before pulling off. We have this sorta love-hate relationship.

Before I knew it we were in front of the house. The sides of the streets were cluttered with cars, I could hear the music and people from the party. Oh, this is gonna be fun.

Anyone Else?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora