"You're right, Son." Thor put his hand on Torun's shoulder. "We have to act more like a team."

"How?" Clint asked. "We haven't been a team in...okay I didn't count the years but I know it was a lot."

"We train together." Steve said. "We get to know each other a little better each day. We learn how to support each other."


Another day at S.H.I.E.L.D School went by and all was well. The kids learned more in the adult's classes about working together, weather it was in combat or in general. In gym, Clint and Natasha worked them hard. There were several fitness stations around the gym. Everyone had to go to all of them. One was as simple as weight lifting, one was climbing a rope, one was working with weapons, and one was one-on-one fighting.

"Can't I just go back to bed?" Nate whined.

"Hmm. Let me think about it." Clint put his finger to his lip. "No."

"Whyyyyyyy." Nate held out the y.

"Becausssse." Clint said in Nate's voice.

Nate walked away whining. "Don't you go to the archery." Clint said. "Try something you can't do!" Clint laughed to himself, knowing that Nate could do anything pretty easily. He went up to the rope and climbed it.

"You make it seem so easy." Emily called up to Nate who was half way to the top. Nate looked down at Emily and smiled. When he reached the top he slid down the rope. "Well it was easy." Nate looked at Emily's brown eyes. "Okay."  Emily said calmly. She grabbed the rope try to pull herself up, but failed.

She started to struggle and she wasn't even a foot off of the ground. Nate couldn't help but laugh. "It's not funny." Emily said while laughing a little.

"I'm not laughing at you," Nate put his hands up. "I'm laughing with you." Emily laughed a little more. "I think someone need to lift some weights first." Nate laughed.

Julia and Torun were at the one-on-one station. Torun had his sword. He insisted Julia use a spear. She had a little difficulty with it at first but she soon got it.

"Why'd I have't use a spear again?" Julia asked. "This thing is awkward."

"It's good to know how to use any weapon." Torun smiled and he 'attacked' Julia again. 

Everyone was working on something. When it was time to go to a different class Lucy walked with Tony when they saw Howard and Pepper. They ran over to them.

Tony and Pepper hugged while Lucy messed up Howard's hair. She knew he hated that. "Hey." Howard said while fixing his hair.

"Why are you guys here?" Tony asked.

"We wanted to make sure you two weren't getting into trouble." Pepper smiled.

"I just wanted to see if Lucy was actually doing anything." Howard laughed. "Now that you're being home schooled and you go here." Lucy looked at Howard and gave him a look. "And maybe I want to be a cool hero like you too, Dad." Howard smiled at Tony.


"I'll be gone for a day." Emily was talking to the kids. "Sean, Julia, and Lucy, and even you Howard," She looked at them. "Please don't invent time travel or anything else like that." Emily and Steve were going to one of Emily's dance competitions.

"Why would I do that?" Sean asked.

"I would do that." Julia laughed.

"I would help you guys too." Lucy said.

"Me too." Howard added.

They all started to laugh. Emily left the room.

"So Howard," Sean came up to him. He looked around and leaned closer to him. "How would you like to help me with a science experiment." He smiled.

That day Sean and Howard became really close. I can't tell you what the were working on because I didn't know. I don't know science like they do.

Sean and Howard walked around the tower together all the time. They always talked about science or other nerdy things. Sean was like an older brother to Howard.


When Emily came back, she found out that her words had simple left Sean, Julia, Lucy, and Howard's mind. A dodo bird was sitting at a near by table. Her eye's widened and she let out a scream. Everyone rushed into the room. She turned to the four and gave them a look.

"What's the one thing I told you four not to do!" She raised her arms.

Sean answered. "Create time travel." He said shamefully.

"And what did you do!"

"Create time travel." Sean said again.

Emily asked, "Okay well shut it down and make sure nothing else comes out of it. We don't want a dinosaur eating us." She said as she and everyone else left the room.

Howard looked up at Sean. They both started laughing. The two had a secret, they saw dinosaurs.


Hey yeah, don't let 'em know we're coming

Hey yeah, tiptoe higher


Hey yeah! Lol I'm not funny.

Tiptoe is by Imagine Dragons and the lyrics above refer to The Avengers training. They don't want Loki or Calder to know they're training, they don't want them to know they're coming. 'Tiptoe higher' means that they are slowly getting better, they are tiptoeing to the top, to their best.

I really like Sean and Howard's friendship it's cute XD. Anyway I hope you all are having a great day and keep having one. BYEEEEEEEE!

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