Chapter ten

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Jade's POV

"Didn't get me the hostage?!" Joker yells at me and Harley.

"It was her fault mistah' J!" Harley says pointing at me and Joker looks at me and glares

"I'd beat you but I know I need you in good health..." He thinks to himself then he sighs, "go out and don't come home until morning, go and look for boy blunder, if you kill him I'll consider forgiving you" he says an Harley sticks her tongue out at me then runs away

"Yes sir" I nod then load up my utility belt and leave the Joke shop and go across the road and climb to the rooftops where I go to look for a bus, I'm not killing Robin, I'm running away. I have $100 dollars in my utility belt which is enough to get a bus out of here and to another city far away from Gotham. Maybe there I will save people instead.

I then see two shadowy figures walk onto the abandoned street and I stop to look at them, it's Robin and Kid Flash.

They are about to go into the Joker shop but I throw a rock that hits the ground beside them and they look up. I wait for them to come up to the roof and Kid Flash looks ready to attack but Robin looks badly hurt.

"You came" I say and Kid flash nods, he doesn't like me. I don't blame him though, after what I've done to this city and his best friend Robin...

"Yes we did, what so you want?" Kid flash asks in more of a threat than a question and I look at Joker look around below us and I shake my head

"We can't stay here, follow me" I tell them and they follow me to an abandoned apartment.

"So?" Kid flash asks impatiently and I sigh

"I want you to know how sorry I am" I say looking at Robin as tears roll down my face, "for everything"  I say then wipe my tears away and he hugs me making me gasp but I then hug him back

"I know what he's like, and you can change" Robin says and I shake my head breaking apart the hug.

"Robin I can't change" I say and he shakes his head

"Listen, we can protect you Jester, let the league help you because they will, they will meet you then see that you only need help, trust me" he says and I shake my head then smudge my makeup showing my identity

"Jade Isley..." He says and I shake my head

"I'm Jade Knight, adopted daughter of Harley Quinn and the Joker" I say and Robin shakes his head

"I know what the real you is like and you cant change that, you are kind and caring and are my friend, I'd do anything for you" he says and I shake my head

"The only reason I was at that school was to kill you, Dick I'm the next Joker" I say and Kid flash's eyes widen

"Dude..." KF says in shock and Robin looks at me

"That's not you, I can help you escape this, you could become a hero" he says and I shake my head

"You can't save me, I can try to run but at the end of the day I still am going to be the Joker and I can't change that" I say and he takes my hands in his.

"Jade please, we can help you" Robin begs with his voice cracking at the end and I let go of his hands and step back.

"I'm sorry Dick, Goodbye" I say then disappear into a puff of green smoke and walk back into the joke shop as if nothing had happened.

"Get out" Joker glares at me still pissed off, "it's not morning until another 7 hours"

"It's 12...12 am" I state and he points to the night sky outside

"Dark" he states and I sigh going upstairs to the bedroom and I lie on the mattress staring at the roof. I can't go back to school anymore and I definitely can't see Dick anymore, my only friend ever gone. It's for his safety though and I refuse to kill Robin.

I don't want to be the joker anymore.

Jade knight: Young justice fanfic (under editing!)Where stories live. Discover now