Eren faltered, his emerald orbs widening. Mikasa? Wanting to see him? "No, I was already awake. I-I'll be there in a few. I just have to, um uh, clean something up."

"Alright, I'll wait for you there," she whispered and the phone clicked, the call ending.


Eren thought that it was wise of him to wear a long-sleeved hoodie. Mikasa would bombard him with a barrage of questions if she saw his new fresh wounds. His hands jammed in his pockets and his hood drawn over his head, he idly ambled to the designated meeting place, scanning the area for any signs of his friend. The sun had not risen yet and there was a peculiar tinge of orange in the skies, along with the aroma of crisp autumn leaves in the air. He would miss it all once he was gone.

Time check. Five forty two. There was not a single soul wandering in the park. It was an hour too early. What gave Mikasa the sudden urge to talk to him?

"Eren," someone caught him by the elbow and swung him around.

"Mikasa," he raised a sceptical brow.

"Eren," she dug her face into the crook of his neck, throwing her arms around his waist, "Thank you for coming." He radiated warmth upon touch and his biceps quivered when she snuggled into his embrace.

"Of course I would come," he hesitantly placed his hand on the small of her back, hoping that she would not shove him away.

"I-I came to talk to you about something," she reeled away a little to reveal her damp face to him, her eyes glistening in tears, "I've booked the doctors for next week."

Eren stared at her, slightly dazed. All he wanted to do was kiss her. His eyes skimmed over her, doing a double-take, mesmerised by her beauty close-up.

"I don't want this anymore," she muttered, "I've made up my mind. I'm going to have an abortion."

"You what?" Eren broke out of his reverie, only hearing what Mikasa had said a second later.

"I'm going to have an abortion," she repeated, her tone calm and collected, "I don't want the baby. I don't want any of this. I'll get rid of it before my parents find out."

"But you can't!" Eren protested, his voice cracking, "It's a life, Mikasa! It's precious, it has a heartbeat, and I love it because it's yours." He trailed off, refusing to express his love for her now.

There was a moment's silence between them as Mikasa took in his words. "Eren, I can't do anything else. I don't want the baby. It's Levi's," she cupped his face with her hand, gazing intently into his teal-green eyes. "I have a whole future ahead of me. I don't want to raise a child now. I'm not ready."

Eren did not know what to say. He could've said that he would raise the child with her, and give her all the support she needed, financially and mentally. But it would be a hollow promise. He could not do any of the fore-mentioned. His sickness forbade it.

"Don't do it, Mikasa, please."

"Eren," she breathed out in a rush, biting her bottom lip, "You said you loved the child."

"Yes," he nodded subtly.

"Well, I'll do a check-up next week. I want to run tests to see who the baby's father is. I can do that before the abortion. It'll give me enough time to think everything through properly," she lowered her head, concealing her face in the cosiness of the scarf.

"Have you told Armin yet?" he treaded carefully.

She shook her head no, pursing her lips.

"I want to take you somewhere," Eren leaned in, touching his forehead to hers, "Just the two of us. But promise me you won't abort the child yet. Not yet. Give yourself some more time to think."

She hauled her eyes up to meet his, caught in a sudden and rare array of ecstasy and love, "Where are you taking me?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be as exciting anymore, would it?" the corners of Eren's mouth quirked up, "So you aren't doing anything to the baby, right?"

"Not now. I'll wait," Mikasa's finger played with the brim of his hoodie.

"The place I'm taking you is going to be beautiful, I promise," he could promise that much.

"I'm excited now," she forced a small, microscopic smile.

"You ought to be, since it's peace-time for the two of us. You need a little break," he rested his chin on her head, pleased to know that she had abandoned the thought of abortion for at least a while.


"Armin," Mikasa slipped into the vacant spot beside her friend at the lunch table. They were at school, in the cafeteria, which was thronged with ravenous students making a din. "Where's Eren?"

"He probably ditched again," Armin knew all too well that Eren did not attend school due to his illness.

Mikasa's face fell visibly at his response, the light draining away. She pushed away the tray of food before her, nearly spilling the apple cider.

"Hey, brighten up. I bring good news," he crammed a piece of bread into his mouth. Despite the fact that he did not wish to eat at all anymore after the mention of Eren, he had to, to avoid appearing suspicious in front of Mikasa.

Besides, he was never told what Mikasa's results were in the pregnancy test. Perhaps that was the core reason behind her apparent melancholic spirit. Nonetheless, he didn't want to bring up any upsetting thoughts.

"What is it?" her tone was sullen, her eyes unseeing, her ears unhearing.

"There is a new girl at our school," he muttered, attempting to sound as cheery as he possibly could.

"What's her name?"

Before Armin could speak, a girl had plonked her lunch tray down on their table, throwing her blonde-bangs back before taking the seat beside him. She flashed him a flirtatious grin, excessively batting her thick lashes, flaunting her azure eyes. Mikasa couldn't recognise her.

"I'm Annie," she introduced, mainly looking at the boy next to her, "Annie Leonhart. Nice to meet you, Armin Arlert. Isn't it great how I already know your name, sweetie?"

Breathless •Eremika (Love. Me. Now. Or. Never.)Where stories live. Discover now