Chapter 7: A Ball of Black Fluff.

Start from the beginning

"Oh, do you want me to come with you?" He asked from behind me. "I can bring Grizz and he can cuddle with us!"

"Why don't you just play with the dog for a bit? I'd rather be alone for a little while if you don't mind." That means piss off, I need to cry myself to sleep like the wimp I am. I nearly got to the door when a hand grabbed my elbow and spun me around. Worried brown eyes met mine, ones that weren't focused on the dog anymore and instead were all focused on me.

"...are you okay? Did you have a bad day at work?"

"I hate work. I hate life. I hate everything." I lean my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes. I know he won't understand, but I need someone to vent to who won't stare at me like I'm a freak or tell me I need to cheer up. Maybe he won't do that.

"Then quit work. Improve your life. Try to look at things differently. It helps, I promise." He pats me on the back and pulls me a bit closer so I'm comfortable on his shoulder. I'll never get over how wonderful he smells. Snuggle.

"I can't quit work. I won't be able to pay my bills, I won't get to buy groceries, I won't-"

"Find another job. Something that you enjoy and something that doesn't take up every minute of your life."

"I can't. I quit high school and I never went to college. There are no jobs that I can get."

"Then...wait around until you can find one. Quit your job and just rest awhile."

"And how do you suppose I pay for things I need to live?"

"I'll pay for them."

"Jordan. No."

"Yes! Just until you find another job and-"

"You just met me! Why are you being so suffocatingly nice?!" I screeched at him.

"Because you're the only person I've met in a very long time who actually cares about me! And I really like you and I don't want you to be depressed and makes me really sad too. I'll pay for everything, just until you get another job you love. Please?"

"No. I don't need your help and I don't need your money. Piss off." I jerked my elbow out of his grasp and went into my room, slamming it shut behind me. I may have very well ruined our entire friendship just now, but it doesn't matter. I don't need his money. I'm perfectly fine on my own, I don't need anyone else. I'm content with just myself.

I slumped onto my bed sheets and crawled under them, flicking the light switch above my head to turn off the light.

But then I noticed something.

My shitty TV wasn't there anymore. Instead, a small flat screen replaced it. He bought me a TV. He bought me a damn TV. I noticed a few other things that had changed too. My molded rug in front of my bed was gone, a brighter red one taking it's place. There was a stack of hoodies I'd never seen before on my desk, all black or navy blue with different designs on them. The busted light on my ceiling had even been replaced. He fixed all the broken things in my room and bought me upgrades.

I told him to piss off when he literally went out and bought all of this shit for me.

It took me hours to think of a good apology. I can't just say I'm sorry, it has to be something really genuine and sorrowful, because that's how I feel right now, sorrowful. This is so unlike me. Usually I don't care about anyone's feelings or whether I hurt them or not. If it had been anyone else in this situation I probably would've ignored them all together but...Jordan is different. I don't really know why.

I huffed and slid off my bed sheets, stomping over towards the door so I could throw it open and spit out my stupid apology. Though when I opened the door, no one stood in the kitchen or the hallway. That's weird. I thought he'd be playing with that dog.

I walked down the hallway into the living room, and went to a screeching halt when I saw the scene on my leather couch. Jordan was sprawled out on the small couch, legs stretched over the opposite arm with his head and arms stretching over on the other with a small black creature curled up on top of his stomach. It was the most uncomfortable thing I'd ever seen on my entire life, but it still radiated enough cuteness to make my face twist into a smile.

I tip toe over to the couch and bend down to his level, poking him lightly in the arm much like he did me when he was trying to wake me up. "Jordan?"

He groaned a little and move so that his head was angled towards me. I felt my stomach twist in a knot when I saw his sleepy expression and his messy bed hair, and the fact that his T-shirt had ridden up all the way to his ribs wasn't helping. I poked him again, this time staring at the couch cushion beside of him so I didn't get distracted.

"Wake up, this couch is a torture device for humans. Come sleep in my bed."

"Mmh, your bed?" He mumbled, eyes still closed.

"Yeah. Come on, let's go to bed."

He giggled in his sleep and shifted his body so that he was facing me entirely. "Y'want your bed? Dirty Birdy..."

I rolled my eyes, my cheeks suddenly feeling really warm for some reason. "Not like that you idiot. Come sleep in my bed so you won't kill yourself on the couch."

"Nnnno!" He drug out the word with his eyes still closed. "Don't wanna...have sex yet."

I wouldn't have cared if he hadn't added the word yet into the sentence. Now I'm blushing so hard I feel like the sun is bearing down on my flesh and crisping it like bacon.

"I'm n-not, I mean it's-"

"One day day." He smiled in his sleep.

One day. I wonder what he means by that.

Nope nope nope, screw off feelings I'm not in the mood to experience you. I picked the dog up and put him on the floor, and then I scooped Jordan up into my arms and headed towards my room. Unfortunately the dog woke up when I moved it and now it was scurrying after us at the speed of light. It bounced into my room before I even set foot in it and laid down on a pile of my dirty clothes, curling up and falling asleep again. Weird ass dog.

I gently placed Jordan on on my bed sheets, throwing a fluffy blanket over his body before getting in myself. Should I go to work tomorrow? He did say he would take care of everything if I decided I wanted to quit. I really don't want to depend on someone else to keep my life from falling apart. Trusting somebody to take care of your needs is absolutely terrifying. To me at least. Other people would probably kill to be in my place, to have some rich cute guy taking care of you so you don't have to work or do anything at all. Hm.

I've been with someone before who promised to take care of me when I fell down and nurture me when I got hurt. They didn't keep that promise, and it nearly destroyed my entire life. I don't want to go through that again. I don't want to trust someone to keep me together.

But Jordan is different. He isn't some guy, another name to add to my list of ex lovers. He actually cares, sometimes more about me than about himself. It's shocking to see someone so selfless. Just when I thought humanity had finally gave way to the point of no hope, he comes and changes my whole perspective. How can somebody do that? How did he manage to do it without even trying?

"You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me." I'm sure he didn't hear it, he's turned away from me and he hasn't said a word since I took him from the couch. I was kinda hoping he had though. I want him to know how much I appreciate him. Maybe someday I'll be able to say it to his face.

One day.
I have to go to the dentist and I don't wanna ._.


Thank youuu!

- Lee

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