Ch. 2- I Choose..

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"You will never be able to fix this, that just not how this works. But, you can start anew."
//End Replay\\

"Start anew?", I ask.

"Yes. You can either choose to go onto your after life, or you could be sent to a different universe.", Christian said, "You would go to a world of your choosing at the age that you wish. I would send you with any supplies that you would need and depending on the world, something extra. So which will it be."

"I would like to go to a different universe. I want to live my life some more.", I said, still sad that I had hurt so many people.

"Alright. Which universe and how old would you like to be?", he asked.

"Th...the Harry Potter Universe. It has always been my favorite fandom. And can I be 13 again, thats when everything started." I said feel greedy and selfish.

"Yes you can, and there is no need to feel that way. Those that loved you will move on, such is the way of humans. But, they will never forget you, remember that.", he said as he walked around his desk and sat in his chair. "Now, I'm assuming that you would like to change what happens in the books. That is perfectly fine, but remember that if you change to much you will not remember what happens in the future."

"Alright, I will keep that in mind.", I said smiling at the handsome man in front of me.

"Now then, I will set everything up for your arrival. And don't worry I will still be in contact with you, so if you need anything just say my name and think of me.", he said. Christian snapped his fingers and suddenly we were standing in front of a large black door. I look down and notice that I looked how I did when I was 13.

'Jesus Christ I'm fat. Why did I pick this age. Well its not like I wasn't fat at 17, but this is a very awkward body.', I thought feeling annoyed amd self conscious.

I look up at Christian, who is holding a large black backpack. He hands it to me and says, "This contains everything you will need to live in a new world. There is a birth certificate, passport, money, clothing, any potion you may need, muggle medication, and a couple other things. Now, when you get there you will be on the streets of London close to Diagon Ally. You can choose to stay in the muggle world until you are invited to Hogwarts or you can stay in Diagon Ally. I have also set up a Gringotts account for you so you do not need to worry about money."

I felt the urge to cry almost over take me. My family and I had always struggled with money. My mom had recently lost her job of 16 years and we were on welfare. I never told my friends, I didn't want be treated differently. Now this amazing man is telling me that I don't have to worry about money, it is unbelievable.

"I have also given you a few extra.... well, traits you could say. You'll like them.", Christian says smiling brightly. He drags me into a tight bear hug and kisses my fore head. "Have fun with your second chance.", he says before he pulls the door open and PUSHES ME THROUGH WTF CHRISTIAN YOU MAD MAN.

Starting New ( Harry Potter Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora