Both their mouths dropped open.

"So it wasn't much" I said.

"Your dad?" Cameron gulped. "I thought he was dead?"

"I guess not" I shrugged and started to think about how he faked his death.

"Soooo..." Nicki said awkwardly.

"What are you doing tongiht?" Cameron asked, making me curious about why he wanted to know.

"I'm going on a date with Joe" I said.

"I really don't think you should" he said seriously.


"I just..." He didn't seem to want to explain the reason.

"Right, well, have a nice day. Next time you try and stop me going out with someone, please have a reason" I said, standing up and walking past him because the bell had just rung for first lesson

I didn't talk to Cameron for the rest of the day, he looked nervous every time he looked at me. The only exciting thing that happened was when coach told me that the first football match was this Friday and I would just have to play my best because I hadn't been to any practises because of my time off school.

When I got outside the school gates I looked around for Eleanor's car. I had called her the night before and told her that the boys weren't letting me go on my date with Joe and she said she'd come over to help.

I finally spotted her car and walked over to it and climbed in the back. Sophia was also in the car and turned and smiled at me.

"Okay, so the plan is that when we get home you get dressed and everything. Then I will go and distract the boys while Eleanor gets you out the house. She will drive you to your date and she will then come home and somehow we will try and convince the boys that you are sick" Sophia explained.

"Sounds good" I nodded gratefully.

"Sorry Perrie couldn't come, Zayn's taken her on a surprise holiday" Eleanor sighed.

"Yeah, he was really excited about it" I said, a little smile creeping onto my face.

When we got home I shouted a quick hello to the boys who were in the kitchen and the girls rushed me upstairs to get ready.

"Right, why don't you pick out some clothes while we think of what we are going to tell the boys" Eleanor said.

"Sounds good" I nodded and opened my warderobe.

After half and hour I still hadn't decided what to wear and the majority of the contents of my wardrobe were over the floor.

"I literally have nothing to wear" I shouted at my overflowing wardrobe.

"Seriously Zo?" Sophia laughed and came over to help me.

With her help I ended up wearing some faded grey skinny jeans and a white Abercrombie and Fitch sweatshirt.

"Now for the tricky bit" Sophia said as we walked downstairs.

The boys were in the living room and would be able to see if Eleanor and I walked out the door. Sophia walked into the living room and stood so that all of the boys had their backs to the door.

"Boys!" She smiled and signalled for Eleanor and I to go. "Have I ever told you about my granddads friends cousins pet turtle?"

"Er, no?" Louis said in confusion.

"Okay it's a funny story actually" Sophia sat down and started telling a made up story.

Eleanor and I stayed to listen for a bit but had to clutch at our mouths to stop our laughter from being heard.

We left the house and drove to Costa where I was meeting Joe. Eleanor just pulled up outside.

"I'll drop you here, text me when you need to be picked up" she instructed and I nodded.

"Thanks, bye!" I said and shut the car door.

I watched her drive off before walking into the cafe. I spotted Joe over in a booth. But it wasn't just Joe, there was another girl there as well. And they were kissing.

I stormed up to them and tapped Joe on the shoulder. He spun around immediately and his eyes went wide.

"Zoe! I can explain" he defended, standing up from his seat.

"Explain why I lie to my brothers to come on a date with you and find you kissing some girl" I said, anger boiling inside of me.

Joe looked down guiltily and shrugged.

"You're pathetic" I said.

"Well Angelina's a lot prettier than you so I'm good" Joe said but suddenly his smug smirk dropped and his face paled.

He wasn't looking at me though, he was looking behind me. I turned around and saw Elliot stood there, Emma just behind him with a sympathetic look on her face.

"I suggest you leave before I punch your face in" he said menacingly.

"And who are you?" Joe asked, trying to be tough.

"Zoe's older brother. Now beat it" he threatened and Joe scampered off, his so called Angelina close behind him.

I looked down at me feet, embarrassed, until Elliot lifted my head up.

"Let's go home yeah?" He asked softly.

I nodded and we left Costa after he gave Emma a kiss on the cheek and told her he'd call her later. He led me to his car and I got in the passenger seat, still not saying a word.

He drove home in silence and when we arrived at the house I got straight out the car without any hesitations. Elliot opened the front door and I walked inside and started to go up the stairs but he pulled me back.

"Oh no, the boys need to know what happened" he said and grabbed my hand, leading me into the living room.

The boys looked up with confused expressions on their faces.

"What's up?" Harry asked when he noticed my face.

"He cheated on me" I whispered, still feeling embarrass, feeling like it was my fault.

"Where is he? I'm going to kill him" Liam stood up and headed towards the door but Elliot stood in his way.

"Beating him up isn't going to help anything, what you do need to do is comfort Zoe. The little dick told her she wasn't pretty enough for him" Elliot said disgusted.

Niall looked at me sadly and pulled me into a hug. He lifted me up and carried me to the sofa and sat down with me in his lap. Liam was on one side and Harry was on the other. Louis stood behind the sofa so he could sort of join in with the hug.

"Your beautiful Zoe. Don't let some boy tell you anything else" Niall ran his fingers through my hair.

"But I'm not good enough..." Liam cut me off.

"You are good enough. He's just a stupid boy who doesn't know how lucky he was to have you" Liam said, kissing my forehead. "I warned you"

"I know you did. But it's good to know you'll always be there for me"

A/N- hello people! Didn't think much of this chapter personally but I just need a filler for something big coming up in the next chapter. Please comment what you thought of it anyway! Same amount of comments and votes as always :)

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