Flashback #2 & #3

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Flashback #2

During Kel's first tour in America


I was on the most amazing high! Just two hours ago, I had taken part in an incredible rap battle, and something was telling me that my career as a rapper was about to change forever.

My phone vibrated on the bedside table, as I waited for Ciara. She was making a phone call to check on things at home, so I sat patiently, watching the videos of my battle that night that had been put up on Instagram.

As my phone continued to vibrate, I realised it was a phone call so I put my iPad down to check who it was.

When I saw the name 'Sadie,' I kissed my teeth and pressed the reject button.

Sadie was short for Mercedes, who was my ex. Ever since I had been signed and seemed to be blowing up, she suddenly wanted to know me again. But when we were together, it was a completely different story - she lied to me, always had other guys around and broke my heart so many times. I had stayed with her because i loved her, she was my first love, the first girl i ever really wanted more from than just sex. But after three years of her hot and cold feelings and non stop games, I ended it and moved on. I was never the doormat kinda guy but my love for her had blinded me to the reality of our situation, she only really took me seriously when no other guys were trying to deal with her.

And now, she saw that I was making moves and the money was starting to roll in, she finally wanted me. But I wasn't trying to fall for it, Ciara and I were just starting out and I could see the great potential in us. I didn't feel the need to block Mercedes' number or block her messages coz at this point, i felt like I had more than enough control over my actions that I'd be able to just continue ignoring her.

Just as I picked the iPad up again, I saw I had a message from Ciara, saying she was at the front door. It was about 4am in New York and this was our last day here before we went to Atlanta to continue the tour.

I jumped up off the bed and walked out of my room, into the main suite. The TV was on in the lounge area but the room was empty so I assumed Cam and Manny had gone out or gone to sleep. I opened the door for Ciara and we went into my bedroom.

She was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and one of the hotel robes. Her hair looked a bit wet so I assumed she had showered while in her room. She sat on the bed and handed me the half empty bottle of champagne I had left in her bag earlier.

"You tired?" She said, leaning back onto her elbow and crossing her legs.

I put the bottle on the dresser and sat next to her on the bed.

"Not really, I'm still buzzing from that after party."

She laughed, looking down at the iPad which was muted but playing another video from that night.

"You were so good." She said, quietly as she continued watching.

It felt good that she appreciated my efforts and really understood my music, not like Mercedes who always just said my music was 'okay.'

I smiled and tried to not let it get to my head.

"Thanks. How's your daughter?"

"She's okay, she's with her dad now for a few days so at least my cousin can rest a little."

I nodded

"Have you heard anything about Karim?" I asked, touching her shoulder gently.

"Not much, I think he still isn't cooperating. He's refusing to give a statement." She said, and looked a little sad so I decided to change the subject.

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