Chapter 1.

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POSTED: JUNE 22 2013-- 12:10 AM


I groaned and clumsily hit my alarm harshly making it fall from my nightstand but still not shutting it up. "UGH" I groaned louder and more frustrated. My lower half never left the bed as I leaned off the bed getting the alarm clock and finally shutting it up.

I threw it away and leaned back in my comfy pillows... What's today anyways? FRIDAY! I'm still not sure if I should be happy or not. Ugh, I have to go to school today. Damn it

I've been so caught up in missions I forgot that I have to maintain 'High grades' according to Eric. I can pretend that I'm sick, I've always been good in acting- but Eric might come over and he can easily tell if I was lying or acting or anything for that matter.

I spent more time with him than my real parents. I mean, he's been training me for more than 10 years. I'm pretty sure 10 years is enough to make me the best agent so far.

I swung my legs to the edge of the bed and started preparing for the day. It's usually hot here in LA so I threw on a white tank top, a black blazer, gray aztec leggings and black 3 inch heels.

I am used to wearing heels very often especially when I have to go undercover. I let my hair down naturally and swiped on mascara- brushed my teeth, throwing on some shades, I headed out to my car.

Yup, Normal person at day- dangerous killer at night. I love the sound of that. I made my way through the corridors keeping my chin held high smirking at the glares and eye-ing of other girls at me.

They're seriously wasting their time glaring at me, am I really that worth it? I smiled at the thought as I made my way to my class. This is definitely NOT high school but 1st year in college? Maybe just a bit especially with all the insecurities flowing out of other girls eyes.

The day went by quick and before I knew it, I was on my way to HQ since I was being called on to report. "Alright! Lilia, Damon, and Angel! My office now" Eric announced.

Damon, Lil, and I exchanged nervous glances. It felt like Eric was the principal and we were students being called in. 

We all nervously stepped in his office and took our seats. "Alright, I called you in now because we have a huge client" He said. Relief washed over me.

I actually thought he would get mad for any flaw that I might have done in the past 6 and a half days. Then again- This might actually be a BIG mission if Eric called us all in his office.

We nodded and let him continue. "Angel, you will go undercover. Lilia will help gather information and Damon, you will go undercover as well as a security guard" He pointed at each of us.

"Who will we wipe out?" I ask a bit too eagerly. "Harry. Harry Styles. One of our top clients wants him dead slowly and painfully. That's when you come in Angel" he smirked at me.

I felt honoured. Well, I'm usually ordered to kill the person neat and clean or messy and fast but now I get to enjoy the pleads, begs, and moans of pain.

I smiled, "What will I go undercover as?" I asked. Now, I'm pretty much hyped up. "We need you to earn his trust so he wouldn't only be harmed physically but also emotionally according to our client , you will be his girlfriend " he said non-chalantly.

I can take the tears of someone being in pain physically but when it comes to being emotional, definitely not. I know, it's ironic to see people begging and pleading on their knees and I watch them in awe but at the same time hate to see other people be hurt in the inside is very weird of me.

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