
237 7 0

POSTED: 28 July 2015 - 5:48 PM

Third Person's Point of View:

The beeping sound's of the heart monitor echoed around the room. The white sheets that cover a young girl have no wrinkle for the past 16 hours. The girl on the bed had a tanned complexion, easily mistaken for having Latina blood but the color in her cheeks dimmed and her face was pale. A bandage wrapped around her head and her eyes were closed. A woman in uniform sits opposite bed with a young man beside her.

He wore fresh clothes and a few bandages. The ambulance had him patched up and brought back to the hotel they had stayed in. Various Tour dates were postponed to accommodate his need to stay with the girl on the bed. But it was only postponed for a week. If Savannah wouldn't wake up until then, Harry would be forced to leave her and continue the tour with the band. His head was in his hands. His head was hurting and he hasn't gotten any sleep ever since he arrived in the hospital from the hotel. 

A police man stood guard outside the door while the other was a few meters away, attending to a vending machine. 10 meters either way from the door, another pair guards the corridor each who are making sure no fan girl or paparazzi or even another agent would try to enter the perimeter. Only those with a valid ID and a thorough check would be allowed in. An FBI agent, named Allison Carter, showed her ID to the police and let her hands up as the guards patted her down. 

They moved apart and let her through before she entered the room. The female guard and Harry looked up and Harry immediately stood up.

"Mr. Styles. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Agent Carter and I work for the FBI. You were in the car accident with Savannah Martin, correct?" she says as the guard hands her the chair she was seated on. She sits down on the chair opposite of Harry and hands him a file case report.

Harry looked at her and nodded before opening the case file. There were multiple cases of murder but none showed evidence of Savannah. No ID or picture or even finger prints. Just murder files and pictures of the crime scene. Harry looked through some of them and grimaced before shutting his eyes and the file. 

"The murders in the file are what we suspect done by the syndicate that Savannah worked in. We want to know if you could give us anymore information" Allison continued. Harry looked at her, his mouth was dry so he shook his head. 

"I- I told you everything I know..." Harry trailed off. Allison nodded at the guard and the guard left the room. "Is there any chance that Savannah wouldn't go to jail for these murders?" he asked hopefully.

"There is a chance that Savannah would not go for jail if she had the best lawyer during trial but even then, the chances are... slim" Allison finished. Harry pursed his lips and his already bloodshot eyes began to water. A tear rolled down his cheek and he wiped it away quickly. He's shed enough tears on their way to the hospital but he cried anyways.

Savannah's heart monitor began to increase slowly. Allison and Harry noticed it immediately and stood up from their chairs. Her finger moved slowly and her eyes fluttered open. 

"H-Harry" she gasped. Hey throat was as dry as the dessert. Harry immediately laid his hand on her cheek and grinned with the tears falling freely from his eyes. He couldn't be any happier that she finally woke up. Allison noticed the rasp and immediately walked to the other side of the bed where there is a pitcher of water and poured some for the girl. She pushed the cup's lid unto Savannah's lips and she drank gratefully.

"Thank you" she whispered. "I don't remember anything. I just remember I was-" she coughed as Harry helped her sit up. "I was in a car and I... I thought of protecting Harry. That's- That's all I can remember" she narrowed her eyes as she struggled to remember.

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