Chapter 1-Fire and Snow

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My feet crunched against the snow as I walked as fast as I could without running. Asgore had told me things had gotten bad back home, and that my family needed me. He wouldn't say anything more specific, but he helped me get home as fast as he could. The train to the small village of monsters had been very quiet. Everyone seemed to know about what was happening, despite us trying to keep it secret. We were losing the war.

The whole town seemed worse for ware, although nothing seemed devistated. People who saw me would either wave, or come up and try to talk to me. I told them I was in a hurry, and they nodded, looking sad. Not sad, their faces held pity. I needed to get to my house imidiatly.

I arrived at my house, or at least what was left of it. There were many pieces of wood lying everywhere, some of which were still flaming. There was a lot of ash, but I could still tell the ash from the dusty remains of some monsters. I felt a few tears begin to slide down my skull. I felt numb inside. My family was....they couldn't all be gone. Asgore wouldn't have sent me here if they were all gone.

I rushed back into town ignoring everyone now. The Royal Guard had a small station here, and that's where they'd be. I slammed the door open and walked straight to the front desk. I didn't even has to say anything before the guardsman said, "I'll go get them." 

Some of my family was still here. Some of them were still alive. I'd be able to hold them again. I'd be able to hug them and tell them I love them. But who? Was it Helvetica? Sans? My two newborns? They were so young, we hadn't even decided on names for them yet. God, please let them all still be alive. Please let my poor eye sockets have deceived me before. It was all ash, none of it was dust. My family had to be alive. They had to be.

The royal guardsman returned, holding the hand of a small child. I recognized it as my son Sans immediately. He was carrying a small bundle of blankets, which I assumed was one of the newborns. He had his hood up, and he wasn't looking at anything. He was scared.

"Sans, everything will be okay." I said, my voice sounding more garbled then usual. It was the tears. They did that. Sans looked up at my voice, and he rushed to me, almost dropping the baby. I don't think I've ever been hugged that hard in my life.

"It was humans...they set it on fire.....and, and, and Mom told me to run, so I grabbed bro, cuz he can't run, and, and.......Mom and sis didn't come out." He began to sob, and I held him tight, trying to reassure him. I looked at the baby he was still clutching. He was fast asleep, and he had no idea what he'd lost that day. He looked so peaceful. I wish the world could be like him.

"Everything will work out Sans, trust me." I said, slowly standing up. I wasn't sure where we were going, but we needed to get out of this town. Away from the memories. "Asgore will help us, and I won't leave you ever again."

"Never?" He sniffed, and I could tell he was getting tired. "Cross your Soul and hope to die?"

"Never again. Cross my Soul and hope to die."

I don't like to make promises, but I will for Sans.

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