The Bet *Save Me

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The last topic that makes me listen is about circumstances and people. Kent and Jamie explain that the way we treat people affects their life. If you’re mean to someone and you're hurting them, you have a great impact on their life.

As they say, actions speak louder than words. You don’t know what’s happening in their life so you don’t have the right to mess it. A small thing can lead into a big thing that can change someone’s life forever.

After their discussion, the room’s in a complete silence. The whole class absorbs what they heard.

“That’s deep,” Parker says solemnly. And then he continues to call names for the reporting.

The other topics are quite similar and ordinary, I find myself thinking other things.

I can’t really focus on the next discussions of my classmates because my mind can’t stop replaying the time when Draky brushed his fingers on my lips. I asked him why he did that. He said in an embarrass tone that there was a bread crust on my lips. He really is stupid if he thought he got me.

I can’t wait for this to end so that I can have my normal life back. All I want is to finish my high school and leave this town. I’ll go to my college of choice and will live in a dorm until I graduate.

I want to be away for a while to shape my life the way I want it.

“Last but not least,” Parker says loudly, snapping me out my reverie, “Drake Swift and Sophia Taylor.”

My mouth is dry. I swallow the lump in my throat to no avail.

Draky stands first and nods at me. Clearing my throat quietly, I get up and walk towards the front of the room. All of my classmates stare at Draky and me expectantly.

I’m not usually nervous in standing in front of a crowd but know I am. I don’t know why, but my knees are shaking beneath me. I hope I will not embarrass myself.

Draky looks at me questioningly. His eyes ask permission if he can start the discussion.

I nod, and turn towards the class.

Parker smiles at me and waits for us to begin.

Draky says, “Our topic is about—“

Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you’re looking for

“Stop it,” Parker says angrily.

Has been here the whole ti

That’s Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me. Aren’t they tired of annoying me? They even play music while in class. Really childish.

“Whose cell phone is that?” Parker asks, looking around.

No one’s answering. Some of my classmates look down as if they’re guilty.

“If you don’t tell me this instant—“

“It’s my cell phone, sir,” Gian says, raising his hand shakily.

“Why did you do it?” Parker asks sternly.

“I was just . . .” he trails off, not knowing what to say next.

“I don’t tolerate that kind of behavior in my class,” Parker says in a strain voice. “You’ll have a detention later.”

“But sir—“

“No excuses,” he interjects, giving Gian a pointed look.

Whoa! I think, like my classmates, I stare at Parker with wide eyes. In this instant, he looks like a professor. A real professor. That’s what you get when you mess in his class.

The Bet (Just The Way You Are)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt