Soon the country side turned to the decaying city scape and signs of what felt like ancient civilizations. The closer we got to Dallas, the more my anxiety began to act up. What if there wasn't anyone there? I don't see anyone now and we are already in the suburbs. It looks just as dead as Chicago did. Eventually, we came to the tall towers of downtown. A skyline that use to glimmer in the sunlight, but now is only as dark and deserted looking as the rest of the world.

Its not as cold down here. The air didn't burn and freeze my lungs, but the world only seems more gray without the snow. It looks more desolate. It gave a light mix to the dark soot and ash. However, the snow is still there and I hate that. No matter how far South I go, I can't escape it.

"Patrick. There isn't anyone here." I told him.

"There has to he. We just have to keep looking." He said continuing to drive.

We drove for an hour aimlessly down streets full of dead, debris, and covered in ash.

"Patrick... We have to move on."

"FUCK!" Patrick yelled as he slammed his fist against the steering wheel.

"Its okay."

"No! Its not okay! We can only go so far on one tank of gas and this was it! This was our one shot! Its over! We don't have the gas to keep going. We don't have the food to keep going." He said in a fit of rage.

"Stop it!" I screamed. "We will find a way. You will not sit there and scream, and yell about our deaths when it hasn't been decided yet. Especially not in front of Bronx. Let's just find a place to sleep for the night. And if this is the end... Well at least we have each other." I ended with a softer tone.

"You're right." He said. We should just stay in a hotel. Live lavishly for a night in downtown Dallas."

"I would like that."

We chose a place where the name can no longer be deciphered. I know the hotel starts with an "O" and we know its a hotel because the word "Hotel" was only missing the "E" but my gosh damn this place is nice. Or use to be. We chose a room with two bed rooms, a fire place in each, on the second floor, giving us a view of a street in downtown. If we were here before, it would have been a sight to see. Nicer than my house was for sure.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get food. Can you start the fire and keep an eye on Bronx?" I asked Patrick.

"Sure." He said smiling. I gave him a quick kiss before leaving the room. I walked down a flight of stairs and out to the car. I grabbed two cans of whatever. One for Patrick and another for Bronx. I could feel hunger grip my own stomach, but they should eat before I do. There's only a few cans left. I'll eat in the morning. Grabbing the can opener, I closed the car door and returned to a warm room to see Patrick telling Bronx a story and Bronx rolling on the floor laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing." Patrick said smiling.

"Um. Okay. Anyways, here." I said setting the cans and can opener in front of them.

"You're not going to eat?" Patrick asked sounding concerned.

"Nob I still feel sick from this morning."

"Oh. Maybe you should go lay down, and I'll be in there in a minute. I'll put Bronx to bed and everything." He offered.

Shit. I had to keep this up, and laying down actually sounded really nice right now.

"Yeah. Okay. Thanks." I smiled before walking to the master bedroom where I collapsed on the bed and covered up.

Just as I began drifting off to sleep, I felt Patrick climb into bed with me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Okay I guess." I mumbled, snuggling into him as his arms snaked around my body.

"Good." He said before kissing my head.

"Hey 'Trick?" I asked into his chest.

"Yeah, Panda?"

"Can you sing to me?"

"I'm coming apart at the seams" he began. I let my body fully relax as soon as I heard his voice. "Pitching myself leads in other people's dreams." I drifted out for a moment as he continued to sing, but I woke myself up. "Doc there's a hole where something was. Doc there's a hole were something was. Fell out of bed. Butterfly bandage, but don't worry. You'll never remember your head is far too blurry...."

I couldn't stay awake any longer.


Going to see Fall Out Boy next week!! Again... For the 3rd time this year. But third time is the charm they say.

The Beginning of the End (Peterick)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin