What Happened?!?

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I still haven't decided if I like the music effect I did in the last chapter, so I will have no sound affect in this one.

Alexa's POV:

It was dark outside when I was rudely awoken by Alby.

"Alby where are we going?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Shh, you will see in a minute." He said.

We finally stopped when we were right next to the one of the walls of the maze. Alby pulled the thick ivy away from the wall and it revealed a medium sized window that let you peak into the maze.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Just wait, I am about to show you something, but you can't freak out. Just remember you are safe inside these walls always!" He said.

I looked back at the window and I heard a weird noise. 'Click click whir, click click whir, click click whir.' I then saw red flashing lights. Then a huge bulbous creature came lurking out of the shadows. It had sharp swords stucking out of it and had a squishy back that you could probobly sink into. It was horrifying!

He walked straight past the window,  then all of the sudden he jumped on the glass and let out an ear piercing scream. I fell backwards with a gasp. Alby looked completely calm.

"Its ok your safe here." He said.

"Uh right y-yeah of course.What are those things?" I said.

"There grievers. We don't know exactly what the do or why they are here, but we do know they give you your memories back." Alby said.

"Why is that bad? " i asked him.

"Because it hurts, and it changes you, plus you could die if it hits you in the wrong spot, you dont get the serum, or you lose to much blood." He said

"Oh..."I said, that was bad.

"Well we should go check on Newt also today you will be working with the med-jacks because they need  help with Charlie and Newt." He said.

"Alright." I said with a shrug.

We started walking to the infermary in silence. When we got there it was still silent, but peaceful. When we walked up the stairs and got inside Jeff and Clint were quietly putting things away.

"Hey guys she will be with you today to help." Alby said.

"Ok sounds good." Jeff said.

Alby then walked out the door. Leaving us in silence.

"Um how are they?" I ask.

"Well Charlie just has a few scratched and bumbs and his muscles need a lot of rest." Jeff said.

"Newt on the other hand just has a lot of over used muscles he needs a lot of rest, so he wont be able to work for the next two days." Clint said.

"He saved my life..." I heard a voice whitch must belong to Charlie.

"Yeah your one lucky to shank to have Newt look out for you like that." Jeff said.

"Yeah I am." He said.

"Wait who are you, and since when did we have a girl?" Charlie asked.

"Im Alexa." I said, shifting awkwardly on my feet.

"Oh." He said.

We heard a groan coming from Newts bed, so I shifted my gaze over to his bed. He looked exhausted his eyes are blood shot, his hair was a mess, and he had bags under his eyes.

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