"Come on," I spoke quietly. "Let's get you dressed and I'll bandage those cuts."

She nodded her head and whipped under her eyes to clear the wet stains on her cheeks. I handed the shorts I still held and watched as she pulled them up to her hips and then zipped up the front of the sweatshirt, that hung off her shoulders, to cover her bare skin. Skyler then followed me into the still slightly steamy bathroom, so I could inspect the large gash on her forehead.

Skyler sat up on the counter as I dabbed disinfectant on the cut near her hairline. It was obvious that she was uncomfortable, but I didn't know if it was because I had called her beautiful just a few minutes ago or the fact that she had broken down in front of me. Her hands gripped the edges of the counter tightly as she winced in pain.

"Sorry," I mumbled, glancing down at her eyes for only a second.

I then placed a bandage over the cut and stepped away from her. Skyler watched me as I put everything back into the first aid kit and once I had stowed it back under the sink, I turned to look at her.

"Would you like to go lie down?" I questioned and she only nodded in response.

I watched as she crawled onto my bed and pulled back the covers to get underneath them. I followed suit, but hesitated as I tried to keep my distance from her. Skyler laid on her back as she stared up at the ceiling, while I stared at her.

She let out a shaky breath as she finally spoke. "I'm scared." 

I turned onto my side to face her. "You don't need to be. I'm right here."

Skyler mirrored my actions, but stayed quiet for a long time. Her eyes drooped as the minutes passed, but before she closed her eyes fully she reached out and took my hand in hers.

"I just don't want to bother you," She whispered, her voice tired and hoarse.

I bit at my lip as tears stung the backs of my eyes. She tucked our interlocked hands under her chin as she curled into her self already half asleep. I covered my face with my other hand, trying to settle my racing heart. I couldn't do this. She deserved to be with someone who would treat her right, not a man who beats her or a man who is going to trail for beating someone else.

I pulled myself together as best I could before I leaned over Skyler and turned the light off. I shut my eyes tightly, hoping that tomorrow would bring a new beginning for Skyler. Maybe this time she might actually choose to stand up for herself and leave Jacob.

. . . . .

Sun poured into my room through the window opposite my bed and as I blinked away the sleep from my eyes I heard a quiet groan from under the covers next to me. I pulled the blanket back to see Skyler had pushed her face further into the pillows in hopes of escaping the sun's rays.

"Too bright," She spoke.

"Sorry," I murmured back.

It was like my voice had sent a shock through her and her head quickly snapped up in my direction. Skyler stared at me in awe as I hovered over her slightly. Before she could say anything I rolled out of bed and headed over to the window and quickly closed the curtains. 

When I turned back Skyler had already sat up in bed. I winced at just the sight of her face. Her forehead and bottom lip were slightly swollen and the nasty bruise under her left eye was more prominent than the night before.

"I'm not going to therapy today," She stated.

"What?" I was confused. "Why not?"

"Look at me," She whispered, her eyes refusing to look in my direction.

I shut my eyes for a second and thought back to the confident girl who had told Mitchell to fuck off and then opened them again to see a much different girl. She was shattered and I wanted nothing more than to help pick up all her pieces, but I wasn't sure if she'd let me.

"I'm not taking you back to that house." I glared down at the floor, already irritated.

"I don't want you to either." She shook her head. "I want you to take me to my friends house."

I sighed but agreed anyway. As long as she wasn't near Jacob, I was fine.

Somehow we had managed to dodge my mother and quickly left my house without a word. The drive to her friend's house was silent, much like it had been the night before. I bit nervously at my lip as I drove. I really didn't want to let her out of my sight, but she had reassured me before we left my house that she would be safe at her friend's place.

I pulled the car up to the curb and got out along with Skyler. I walked around the car and stood by her as she closed the passenger side door. I used to know someone from school who lived in these apartment buildings and even though they were in a shitty part of town, I knew they were safe.

"Am I beautiful now?" Her question caught me off guard and I stared down at her with wide eyes.

I gulped back my fears and nodded my head, not sure if I could actually speak in that moment. She scoffed and looked away from me, though I could see a ghost of a smile grace her lips.

"I'm not going to be a bother to you anymore."

But I shook my head repeatedly finally regaining some confidence. "You can bother me anytime. I've told you that."

Skyler sighed heavily and reached out to give my hand a light squeeze. "Bye, Calum."

I didn't understand her words as she turned and headed toward the apartment complex. Did she think I was lying when I told her to call me? Or that when I said she was beautiful it was only to make her feel better about the bruises on her face. I wasn't that shallow, it was her personality that really drew me to her. I had no idea what she could possibly be thinking, but it seemed as though she wasn't even fazed by what had happened last night. But that might have been because this same thing had happened so many times before.

I left the complex and drove toward the psychiatric hospital. The idea of what was to come of my session today finally dawned on me. I had been so wrapped up in Skyler that I had forgotten all about the hypnotherapy. My nerves continued to build as I got closer and closer to my destination. I was scared to say the least.

"Good afternoon, Calum," A nurse greeted me from behind the check in desk as I made my way into the hospital waiting room.

"Hey." I breathed out and before I could even take a seat another nurse called my name and signaled for me to follow her back to Doctor Gram's office.

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