Part 6

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An involuntary groan escaped my lips as my phone vibrated loudly on my bedside table. My mind had finally settled down enough for me to try and sleep, but it seemed as though whoever was calling had no intentions of stopping until I answered the phone. As I laid there, letting the call go to voicemail, I wondered who would actually be calling me. I don't talk to anyone except-

Once again my phone started to vibrate and I rolled over in bed to pick it up. Just as I had thought, Skyler's name flashed across the screen.


The sound of her sobs cut me off and I immediately sat up straight in bed. "Sky? Skyler, what happened? What's wrong?"

My heart raced as she continued to cry into the receiver. "I didn't want to call."

I shook my head, though she couldn't see me and got up out of bed. I rushed around my room in search of clothes as she cried harder.

"Skyler, where are you?" I spoke clearly.

"I didn't want to bother you," She choked out.

"I know, but you need to tell me where you are." I slipped into my vans and headed out of my room.

"Peach Street."

Peach Street? My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter and slammed the front door behind me, not caring if it woke my parents. That street was almost three blocks away from her house.

"Why aren't you at home?" I questioned as I started the engine of my car and pulled out of the driveway.

"I ran."

With those words I stepped on the gas peddle, not wanting her to be out alone at night. "I'm driving there now, don't move."

We had stayed on the line with each other the whole time I drove. We were both silent, just the sound of Skyler's quiet sniffles indicated that she was still there. I slowed my car down to a crawl as I hit Peach Street and even though it was pitch black out it was easy to spot the hooded figure that sat out by the curb.

I put the car into park, ready to get out, but before I could she had opened the opposite door and climbed into the passenger seat. The light on the ceiling of the car shown down on both of us and I held back a gasp as I stared over at her bloody face.

Her lip was once again busted open, much like it had been the first time I saw her. She held the sleeve of her sweatshirt over her nose it hopes of stopping it from bleeding. My eyes trailed down her body to see she was trembling and as much as I wanted to reach out and console her, I knew it would only make it worse.

The drive back to my house was completely silent. I glanced at her every so often, but that was it. What could I say? I knew exactly who had done this and the longer we drove in silence the angrier I got. If anyone deserved to go to prison it was that bastard Skyler called her boyfriend.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath as we finally pulled up to my house. The porch light was on and my mother was standing there with arms folded.

"W-who's that?" Skyler stuttered out and looked as though she had no intention of moving.

"My mom," I said as I opened my door and got out.

I didn't even look in my mother's direction as I walked around the car and opened the passenger side door. Skyler stared up at me helplessly, but I didn't say anything as I held my hand out for her to take.

Skyler's grip on my hand tightened as we made our way up the front steps of my house. An audible gasp escaped my mother's lips as she looked over the girl next to me. And for a second I wondered if she thought I might have done it to her.

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