The (hot) guy next door ch 17

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'It's nothing' said Selene quickly, when it clearly wasn't nothing. I sighed, and stood with them while I could tell they were all wary of me, that made part of me almost wish it could go back to how it had been, but no... I couldn't.

'See you tomorrow' I said to Jake through the window.

'Bye' he said, kissing me before driving away. I turned to face the house and started walking towards it, mum was out again thank God and Simon was at one of his friends houses for dinner. I had nothing to take care of until six thirty, then I heard a voice behind me that made me freeze and my heart turn to ice.


Only my parents called me Felicity, and this wasn't my mum. No, no. This wasn't meant to happen.

'Felicity, it's me' called dad again. I closed my eyes then turned round slowly.

'Hi dad' I said. Go away, please before you screw up everything all over again. He smiled at me. 'What are you doing here?' I asked. He stopped smiling at that.

'I came to see you and your brother and sister' he said.

'Why now?' I asked.

'Because' he sighed 'because I love you' he said.

I could have laughed, if there was anything funny about the situation.

'Please, can you give a stupid guy a break?'

I didn't reply, just remained stony faced. Because if I spoke then maybe I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears he'd caused, but he was my dad. My dad... oh god this was shitty.

'How's your mum?' he asked.

'How do you think she is?' I demanded my voice cracking.

'Oh' he paused 'can you tell her I'm sorry.'

I shook my head 'if you were sorry you wouldn't have done it' I replied 'please, can you just leave us alone?'

'You're my family' he argued.

'Were your family' I said, spitefully. He paled, looking like he might cry himself but he didn't.

'I want to see how you're doing' he said 'was the boy who dropped you off your boyfriend?' he asked.

'Yeah. He is' I said, harshly.

'Oh. Is he nice?'

'Yeah' I said.

'Oh right' he paused. 'I'm so happy for you.'

Oh God, why did everyone have to be so damn happy for me? I wasn't happy.

'What about Simon?' he asked.

'He's doing okay' I said 'he's at his friend's house.'

'Oh' he hesitated 'Kristy?'

Kristy... I'd forgotten. 'She's moved into some guys house' I replied.

'Oh. Is that good?'

'No. It's not good. She hates it there.'

'Why doesn't she come home?'

'Because she hates it here more' I retorted, feeling tears run now.

'I'm so sorry' he said.

'Sorry doesn't cut it' I hissed. He looked heartbroken but I didn't have any pity for him.

'Can you please give these to your mum?' he handed me some paper and I snatched them from him, he wanted a quickie divorce I guessed.

'Is she worth it?' I asked.


'Your girlfriend?' I asked.

'Felicity, don't be like that' he said 'please stop crying.'

'Well. Is she?'

Dad paused 'you won't understand this now, but I love her and that's why I did it. I'm so sorry about what I did.'

I didn't say anything, just wiped my eyes with a sleeve.

'I'd like to see you again' he ventured.

'Really' I said, sounding interested for a moment 'because I don't want to see you ever again.' I heard him protest, but I turned round and opened the door, slammed it then ran upstairs to my bed. Burying my head in the pillow trying to drown out my awful thoughts as I heard the car drive away for what I hoped was the final time. Then I sat up, and looked out my window. Jake wasn't in his room but I saw a purple bag waiting for me. I opened my window and leant out to grab it, bringing it into my room and opening it. With blurred eyes I read.

He loves you, forgive him.

Then I shredded it into a hundred pieces and dropped them out the window where they blew away and dropped back onto my bed to cry for everything that had failed.

The (hot) guy next door ch 17Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя