"I'll buy you some," they said through gritted teeth.

"Nooo. I want candies at the peeble's houses like I do with daddy," she folded her arms and protested.

"They getting candies at peeble's houses," she pointed to a young couple and their baby trick or treating at a house they were driving passed.

"Goddd," they said under their breath with a roll of the eyes.

The assailant pulled up to the side of the road outside a house, well decorated for Halloween.

"I'll go get you some candy. Keep quiet," they said as they exited the vehicle and walked up the driveway.

"Trick or treat!" The kidnapper yelled wanting to get this over with.

A few seconds later the door opened, " very nice costume" the homeowner complimented them. But the ski mask and all black ensemble they were wearing weren't a costume at all.

"Thanks. Can I get some candy for my little munchkin? She's in the car but kinda scared of your lantern on the lawn," they lied coyly.

"Awww. Sure. Let me grab some of these chocolates I placed in the fridge..they melt so quickly..." the elderly woman said

Brie sat in the car, growing impatient with not only getting her candies but seeing her parents.

In the corner of her eye she noticed a dog run towards the back of the house. She looked from the dog to her kidnapper who was still standing on the front porch.

She looked around one more time, then slid out from under her seat belt, opening the car door and wiggling her way down to the ground.


"You look like my Paxi," she stood and petted the dog after making her way to the back of the house.

"Hey you! How'd you get here?" a middle-aged man said to her with a smile.

"You're mommy or daddy is out front waiting on some candy for you and you snuck back here little lady?" He chuckled at Brie.

"That's not my mommy or daddy. Can you take me to them?" She asked politely.

The man was a little confused, "I'm sure who you came with will take you back home after kiddo"

Brie shook her head, " they took me from the park when I was playing with Paxi...and I'm tired of wading for tom-raw-rows. I wanna go home now,"

The man looked at Brie and frowned as her park story and her identity quickly became apparent to him.

"Come on inside dear. I'll get your mommy and daddy," he hurried her into the house through the back door.

"Why the fuck is she taking so long," the kidnapper whispered.
She then saw the old lady approaching her with a bag of mini snickers but someone stopped and began talking to her.

"Called the police..." was all they could hear from the hushed conversation.
Their mind clicked to Abrianna, when they noticed the passenger door slightly ajar.

"Shit!" They said as they bolted from the porch and into the car, making a quick getaway before the homeowners could try stopping them .

Some time later


My mom's words hit me like a freight train as nostalgia began taking over me.

"They found her?" I said as smiles spread across both they're faces.

"The FBI just called."

I placed a hand over my mouth in, overwhelmed that this was all coming to an end.

Daddy's Home - (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now