chapter 2: Moving Plans

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When the Fudo siblings and their pets got downstairs, they saw a delicious meal with mashed potatoes and gravy and steak and finally, broccoli.

"Dinner looks great, Mom." Akito smiled at the array of food.

"Your father actually made it." Mo informed as she happily agreed and was very eager to eat the evening meal.

"No way, Dad cooked dinner?" Vincent smiled.

Atticus smiled proudly.

"Anyone can cook." Mo told him.

The kids and parents then happily ate their dinner together.

"This food is delicious, Dad." Estelle smiled.

"Thank you, Estelle." Atticus smiled back at his daughter.

"You really should become a chef, Dad." Akito smiled.

"Well, even though that would be great, Akito, I still love the work I do." Atticus smiled.

"So what's the special occasion, Dad?" Vincent asked.

Atticus and Mo looked to each other... The kids had a right to know, after all, this deeply involved them.

"Well, kids, we have good news and bad news." Atticus said.

"What's the good news?" Akito asked.

"Um... Well..." Mo stammered. "You know I love you kids and we've been trying to work something out after Tech tutored you whenever I'd be too busy or sick to tutor you myself... And I've been looking for a job..."

The kids looked to their mother, anxious to hear more.

"The thing is..." Mo sighed, having a hard time come out with what she wanted to tell their children. "Oh, gosh, why is this so hard?"

"Well, you see, kids, we found you a public school and where it's perfect, it's strict, but not too strict." Atticus said.

"Okay, but why do I have a feeling the bad news is much more bad than it might seem?" Estelle asked.

"Well, dears, you, um, for you kids to go to the public school, we have to move to the town it's in." Mo told them.

"Where is it?" Vincent asked.

"It's in Southdale." Atticus informed them.

"Southdale!?" the Fudo kids asked together.

"Oh, dears..." Mo cooed. "It'll be okay..."

"But we have to move?" Estelle didn't like the sound of this.

"Yes, princess, we have to move and I know you all will miss your friends, but just think of all the new friends we'll all make in Southdale." Atticus said.

"And what about our Pokemon?" Estelle asked.

"They can come with us." Mo smiled.

"Well, that's okay, I guess..." Akito shrugged.

"But what about Snow White, Dot, and Scruffy?" Estelle pouted.

"They can come with us too, besides, they are your pets after all." Atticus smiled.

The Fudo kids had to admit about their Pokemon and pets staying with them sounded good, but they couldn't just leave their other friends.

The telephone rang, Atticus and Mo decided to excuse themselves and go get the phone.

"Moving away?" Vincent frowned.

"Move from all our city friends?" Estelle's eyes widened, seeming rather cartoonish. "That's CRAZY TALK!"

Akito and Estelle Go To SouthdaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon